The act of peeing inside ones gaping asshole untill the pee starts to froth in said asshole
Man me and Brandon were having such passionate sex last night that he actually allowed me to give him a frothy crapachino.
It’s when you take a Mexican midget and make him drink a lot of milk and then shake him really fast
Hey did you see Dave? He’s using a frothy bean.
A Drinking game - Taping one cold tinny to each hand, so that both hands are incapacitated to do anything other than drink with. The tins may not be un-taped until both tins have been consumed. The aim of this game is to finish both tins before you have to piss, or trouble may ensue.
Mate, you should of seen Shannon playing Edward Frothie Hands - he drank them so quickly!
A word that others may think is a compliment, but you always know that you now own them with there unappealing scuzzyness .
the man is such a frothy scoon
When your cousin Randy snowballs you after he sucks you dry, then makes an off color racist joke about N's and you laugh super hard, causing your mouth to become frothy with your own jizz.
Bruh, last week my cousin Randy held me down and sucked me off. I was pretty pissed but he gave me a frothy jester so it really lightened the mood.