Refered to the Uncle Dolan show. A meme spread on 4chan for repeating the name gooby serveral times.
"Gooby, gooby, gooby, gooby goob."
When something or someone is simultaneously cute and silly it makes you happy.
Goobie - derived from goofy goober
(A strain of made up words between two best friends)
Yukio: Look at this cat, isn't he so Goobie?
Keenan: So Goobie Woobie
"Gooby Fears Destructor" or "JustGooby Fears Destructor / RichieGooby Fears Destructor" is a slogan and campaign led by the Youtuber Destructor which implicate his issues with alleged Roblox pedophile JustGooby. Destructor has made numerous factual videos and has exposed JustGooby's illegal behavior online, which led to JustGooby being fearful of Destructor and ghosted him when Destructor confronted Gooby on Discord. The belief is that Gooby is afraid of confrontation, which is why the slogan was made. Gooby fears Destructor and the numerous other people apart of the campaign against him.
Christian: Destructor, Thank you for exposing JustGooby.
Destructor: np gooby fears me
Christian: Gooby fears destructor
Slimesicle’s signature phrase
Person 1: go goobie
Person 2: go goobie
A gooby gus is the art of ejaculating into a female to the point where said sexual intercourse makes a gushing sound AND the semen is leaking out the vaginal cavity.
I gave her a Gooby Gus last night.