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stands for gansgta party, as in gang bang. usually one girl and atleast 2 guys

ryan and jeremy threw down a gp with megan

by shane941 March 23, 2007

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n. A flamming homosexual i.e. gay pride.

He is such a GP.

by Anonymous April 30, 2003

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Gym Posers. Females who only go to the gym to hook-up with guys. Donning revealing attire, full makeup and perfume, they do 15 minutes of cardio (so as not to sweat too much), freshen up in the locker room, then pose on one machine facing the free-weight room for at least 30 minutes. Usually travel in packs of 2 to 4.

Those gp's have been hogging that machine for nearly an hour now.

Omg I nearly choked when I walked through those gp's perfume cloud.

by RealNaughtyRN July 30, 2012

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the apple itunes app for imessage Game Piegon

Do you want to play gp?

by jibbie April 29, 2020

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Stands for group pee.

when you dont want to go to the bathroom alone, most of the time a public restroom, you can say; "Anyone feel like a GP?"

by jessepowell August 8, 2008

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Giraffe Pussy; usually used to describe an object that is excessively expensive.

I'll never drive a Bentley. They're high as GP.

by skandalus December 2, 2003

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GOD PLAYER!!!!! the most hated RPer in RP!!!!

Billy (LigerZero007) is a god player

by Raven July 3, 2003

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