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Can you get me a 20 dollar gift card for the app store

Can you get me a 20 dollar gift card for the app store

"HEY MOM Can you get me a 20 dollar gift card for the app store "

by Bandaid_guttz September 1, 2021

ayo wagwan piffting dunkno holla u get me wanna beat behind tesco?

yo wassup pretty girl tryna bang behind tesco?

ayo wagwan piffting dunkno holla u get me wanna beat behind tesco? πŸ˜©πŸ˜πŸ˜€πŸ†

by cee css June 15, 2017

20πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

can you get me a run

How someone below the legal drinking age would ask an older person to buy them alcohol. Slang.

Came from saying β€œcan you run to the liquor store for me”

Hey big bro, can you get me a run for this weekend?

by NSvero August 22, 2022

Go Get a Stick For me to Beat You With.

Its usually used amongst Asian people, it is a punishment which utlizies psychological and physical pain. This gives the child a false sense of power over their own punishment. They usually go with the smaller ones even though they are all very painful.

Asian Parent: Go Get a Stick For me to Beat You With.

Asian Child: Okay... (Gets a thin smaller stick)

(The Asian Parent whips him with the stick and the Child feels a lot of pain, it stings a lot)

by kasdnlasn May 2, 2023

Your shitty makeup is gonna get me fired

If you work as a cashier in a store that sells age restricted items such as alcohol you may get underage girls coming into the store with tonnes of makeup on to make themselves look older. This can result in you not asking them for ID because you think they look old enough to not need it but you end up getting fired anyway because they are actually underage.

For the guys, it is "your shitty beard is gonna get me fired."

Underage girl: *Places bottle of wine on counter*
Cashier: ID please
Underage girl: But I'm 30!
Cashier: Nope, your shitty makeup is gonna get me fired!

by LordJenal December 17, 2023

get me the mantha

mantha : hand towel

Get me the mantha from the closet. Por favor

by aquaree1 March 25, 2016

get over me

It's a meaning of telling someone to move on, or to leave them alone.

"Please, take me back!"

"Get over me already."

by BruhThisKid January 20, 2023