the only appropriate response when some braindead dopefiend Down syndrome crackdumpster asshole slimebaby cumguzzling gutterslut AIDS infested afterbirth of a lesbian clusterfuck whines about "haters"
geez mang suh menny nigas b diccin a mafucka yo hataz gon hate
{rolls eyes} wigger you mean truth-tellas gon truth tell
Dont worry bout shit, simple.
Hb:ion know if i should do this.
You:At the end of the day, the day gon end.
a reverse polygon that is used to waste time while not doing your "academics".
I have a doctorate on studying anti-gon.
a korean nickname given to crystal describing where her actions, behaviors, and or crystal herself become tiredsome or unsuitable to the other party.
word is pronounced pee-gon.
crystal's bargaining to obtain karen's property in ghettopoly were extremely pi-gon for jin and rae.
To escape from a bad situation or something similar to that... Can also be when something drops or slips off of something in a comedic way... The escapo part is improperly endowed Spanish, but is much more Southern American in root term...
"Oh shit, here come the cops, I gon go escapo from them..."
"My Izuzu Rodeo gon go escapo out the trailer, haha..."
gon know is this guy dancing on a porch with no other sense. this is the only thing that makes him happy and also he likes to wear pink suits with polka dots. this is because he does not know anything else and is weird. no man will ever beat this guy. Oh and he is also very gayy
OH MYYY that is gon know
hmmmm is that gon know??