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hashtag word salad

When someone on social media wants to say something, especially in politics on Facebook and Twitter, but doesn't know enough to make a reasonable argument, s/he will often string a few words together followed by five or six hashtags, believing that they've won the argument.

"Hillary is the most corrupt politician everrrrr. #feelthebern #bernieorbust #birdiesanders #hillno"

If that hashtag word salad is the best you can do, you've lost the argument.

by jdubhub68 April 2, 2016

4👍 4👎

Hashtag Homies

Friends who rarely ever see each other in person, but communicate more frequently using social media. This can include tagging each other in memes, sending snapchats back and forth, tweeting at each other, or any other method of online communication.

"Have you seen Mark since high school?"
"No but we're hashtag homies so we snapchat each other all the time."

by Kc-113 November 8, 2017

hashtag the painter

a ghetto women from the hood that enjoys to engulf large quantities of fried chicken and watermelon.

Mone't Taylor is definitely a hashtag the painter; all she likes to eat all day is watermelon and fried chicken.

by Your-favorite-blexican June 7, 2011

original hashtag

A term used when reminiscing about the good ole days about smoking hash and how the new generation don't know shit about what life used to be like.

These kids using these hashtags on the interweb, we had the original hashtags when the blades would slip apart and hashtag our damn faces.

by Xplosv February 21, 2018

Hashtag #cracktags

When someone is always thirsty for that high to get more likes, followers, business, known.etc.

Dude they always have a paragraph of hashtag #cracktags, like really? Is that necessary. People all about that high.

by Leah__1981 October 17, 2021


Something that is hashtag worthy and relating to the image,video,and topic.

This video is totally hashtagable of #beach.

by Human_offline February 7, 2018

Hashtag Gamer

Hashtag Gamer a popular Gamer on Facebook Gaming has a large Cricketing viewer on his live stream basically he Streams Cricket games and get involved with audiance with some engaging commentry. Also streams on YouTube and his YouTube shorts are popular.

Wow, you play cricket 19 like Hashtag Gamer does!

by Twitsatish November 23, 2021