Hem is the best person in any given friend group because they are the best in every way, especially better than anyone named William, Alex, or Isabella. Also a chick-magnet.
Intelligent person of KV 2 satna and friend of sagar
Hem is solving tough questions
A person who is a good friend. A person that you know and like (not a member of your family), and who likes you.
He is a kind hearted person. He is alwaysready to go an extra mile for his friends. Hem is always a family person and the best husband. He is smart, good looking and is well to do when it comes to finances.
Hem is some one I can count on.
What is used to keep your clothes sewed. Also, a cool word that nobody knows the meaning too, so you can use it with your friends :)
Rebacca: Hem
Greg: Hem Hem
Johnny: Hem ;)
Britney: Hem Hem HEM
Jimmy: h e m
Hem is a bad point of reference. Used in a way to express dissatisfaction, or ultimately "no".
Got hemmed up on some charges. Hem what you think. Hem that shit. You ain't bout to hem me up yo'.