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Asian lover

Hem loves Sarah! He's the asian lover of all time.

by hitman6969696969696969 April 3, 2023


Hem is the best person in any given friend group because they are the best in every way, especially better than anyone named William, Alex, or Isabella. Also a chick-magnet.

Hem is my best bf

by NotHem November 9, 2020


Intelligent person of KV 2 satna and friend of sagar

Hem is solving tough questions

by Average 2 Amazing November 26, 2021


A person who is a good friend. A person that you know and like (not a member of your family), and who likes you.

He is my good hem

by rishucoolbuddy November 24, 2021


He is a kind hearted person. He is alwaysready to go an extra mile for his friends. Hem is always a family person and the best husband. He is smart, good looking and is well to do when it comes to finances.

Hem is some one I can count on.

by rishucoolbuddy November 23, 2021


What is used to keep your clothes sewed. Also, a cool word that nobody knows the meaning too, so you can use it with your friends :)

Rebacca: Hem
Greg: Hem Hem
Johnny: Hem ;)
Britney: Hem Hem HEM
Jimmy: h e m

by turtleass May 8, 2019


Hem is a bad point of reference. Used in a way to express dissatisfaction, or ultimately "no".

Got hemmed up on some charges. Hem what you think. Hem that shit. You ain't bout to hem me up yo'.

by TerrorKingJakal June 28, 2021