Source Code

Hex base

Hex base is Propylhexedrine freebase freshly synthesized in a lab. Usually, Hex base is Propylhexedrine freebase with Lavender oil and Menthol (usually found in Benzedrex). Hex base is Benzedrex. You can inhale the Benzedrex inhalers, or start a Hex Lab to make Hex Powder (Propylhexedrine HCl).

Tony: I need hex base to make Math Jr. or Hex Powder.

Meo Cortex: Crash! I need the Hex base to make the Math Jr. Hex Powder and know way more math than basic stuff. Please, give me the Hex Base crash!

by GreenHexagon October 11, 2024

Hex abuse

Abuse of hex codes such as putting a doxxing image in hex codes.

To prevent hex abuse, learner and P1 users cannot type the nunber 7.

by OfficeMS September 24, 2024

Liminal hex

Based on the hex mod from Friday night funkin

Liminal hex is a human/robot character who is transgender. And is married to Liminal tricky

"Hey have you seen liminal hex"
"You talking about that hot robot milf?"
"Yea that one"

by Person of god November 21, 2021