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A group/gang of people created by Rapper 804.Blizzy

Ron: yo dat dude right dere hooligans
Todd: Dat Blizzys jawn

by FoeKutta March 14, 2020


A hooligan is a uneducated hairy dude that live in clans in bases on islands. They are oftenly found waving their arms in the air. They also hide in coconut trees and jump you. If you hear a moan, call the Hooligan Patrol at 62829-82920202938-88888

"Hey dude what-"

*hooligan jumps out waving arms and attacks guy*
Poor Jefferey got jumped by a hooligan. Call the Hooligan Patrol if this ever happens to u.

by hooligan2004 January 30, 2016


A short white man with no hair called Chris.

Chris is a hooligan

by Anon1232 May 9, 2019

redneck hooligan

someone that will marry a crazy bitch at some point in their early life.

i bet Justin will be a proper redneck hooligan

by Snake667788 July 19, 2023

pouch hooligan

A guy who is simply crazy for finding pussy.

Martin is such a pouch hooligan. He hung around the bar after closing time talking to every girl he saw trying to bring one home.

by JackieTreehorn1 January 3, 2018