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hoop head

a hardcore basketball fan.
(s)he may always be seen watching college basketball, nba or even wnba and may also play professionally, recreationally, for school or junior leagues and may coach the sport.

No one watches the WNBA unless you're a hardcore hoop head

by dIzZiE713 December 25, 2018

gooey hoop

where ones ring piece feels moist, sticky and uncomfortable.
due to diet,sex life or lack of cleaning.

after going for a curry,the next morning you could be suffering from a right gooey hoop.or i done a bird up the arse last night,and when i spat my man fat up her i left her with a propper gooey hoop.

by the river April 30, 2006

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hoop dreams

A term used in the hood by individuals living in near poverty levels, hoping one day to make it all the way to the NBA and leave the hood even though it's extremely unlikely.

Tyrone has been having hoop dreams since he was a kid.

by blue7171 April 4, 2016

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hoop wax

Hoop wax is a real term which denotes the hot waxing of ones asshole hairs. Ususally given by a gay guy.

I cannot eat out your asshole because you didn't get your hoop wax this month.

by Mike Kris October 24, 2004

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Hula Hooping

When two people love/like each other but are not dating.

Ashley loves Tannor but they are not dating they are Hula Hooping

by chiefs123 July 14, 2009

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hoop up

also see break it down; hoop (it) up is another term for giving something to someone.

ex. Yo Hoop up the pussy bitch, or im gone

by thisguyyo May 1, 2006

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Cafe Hoop

The feminist co-op at Wellesley College, located in the basement of the Wang Campus Center. It's basically a hipster feminist lesbian sorority where you can buy expensive mediocre food, but worth it because the Hoopies are all so hot. You basically have to be a cool hot lesbian to work there. Initiation involves carrying a large hoop around everywhere for a week, which is not hazing because it's fucking awesome. Tampons hang from the paint-splattered walls and pictures of boobs are everywhere. It instills in men an instinctual fear -of strong powerful beautiful women who are not interested!

-Oh my god, I have such a girl crush on that chick
-Her? Everyone's got a crush on her, she works at Cafe Hoop.

by ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm February 28, 2011

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