1. v. To press the key combination of ctrl + s or apple + s many times in rapid succession to ensure a file is saved. Usually employed by one who is working on an important project which absolutely can't be lost.
1. Dude, did you see that? The power just flickered! Better psycho save!
A psychological condition experienced by women, usually while on their period, but can happen at any moment. A women experiencing psycho cuntism is likely to smash your windows, flatten your tires, or stab your eyes out.
Stephanie flattened the tires on my jeep because I was 5 minutes late, she must of had an episode of psycho cuntism.
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A cyber psycho is someone "from the internet" who takes their cause and effects to an unrealistic level.
Internet Username: You just logged in for a new day. Why are you being a cyber psycho?
Internet Username: Do you want to meet up today?
I person with a Disneyland obsession, typically a girl between 18-25. This person has a year long Disneyland pass, frequents Disneyland almost every weekend, posts various Facebook photos regarding the visits, and has the compelling urge to attribute their obsession with Disneyland as a facet of their personality.
"Hey man have you seen Sarah's latest Facebook photo uploads?"
"Oh yeah, bunch of posts about Disneyland, complete with 50 pictures. She's a total Disney Psycho!"
Similar to a skank, but taken to an extreme. Psycho skanks tend to be slutty and also exhibit stalker or other creepy tendencies.
That psycho skank pushed her way through the line for this hot celebrity. She was putting on make up all the way through and even invited the guy to dinner.
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1. A raging female who manipulates the justice system by claiming she was a victim in every case. Such as her boss on countless occasions sexually harassed her, and in every a count the case was turned down because there was no evidence. Or the time she said her husband victimized her and called the cops, even though she came at him with a hammer and beat down a door just to get her cat who was terrified and hiding under the bed.
2. Falls in love with human resource mangers and psychologists because they are the only people who get paid to listen to her.
3. Can not work a job for more than 6 months before her bosses try to fire her because they can't stand working with her. After 4 jobs in 6 years, she has made such as bad reputation for herself, she can no longer work in her field. Now she must work selling appliances to help feed her 8 cats.
4. Bitches for no apparent reason.
5. Goes crazy with out any reason and throws the tv to the ground and since she was unemployed at the time, has no money to buy another one.
6. Sits, mopes, and bitches.
7. Incapable of cleaning up after herself or doing basic chores, such as letting the cats piss all over.
8. Totals vehicles in single car accidents for no apparent reason. (Be careful she drives an SUV and has bad car insurance.)
9. Thinks she can hold a two way conversation with Jesus and God. (Did not realize this was possible??)
10. Someone who needs to be put in a mental institution for life.
Beware of the Psycho Bitch.
Thank God the Psycho Bitch left me for the Human Resource Manager.
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any decent woman's boyfriend's EX-wife, who can't seem to remember the part that says EX.
no need for an example, we've all known them
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