to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself. AKA OkBusta, Duwap Kaine, and Summrs
That nigga Busta the definition of influence itself! He influence Kaine to make Hellhound!
To have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself. AKA okbusta, duwap kaine, and summrs
that nigga okbusta influenced duwap to make hellhound!
Not to be confused with "power", influence can be broken down into two dimensions. First we have "direct" influence which is "I tell you to do something. You do the thing I tell you to do." The motivating principle can vary and include Monetary gain (I pay you to do things), status (You respect me or my station and want to please me), allegiance (We are on the same team and/or I have elevated status within a group). Secondly we have "indirect". This happens when a "credible source" posits a "school of thought" or a "framework of conceptualization". As soon as an individual accepts the framework; they are effectively "under the influence" of the source (albeit indirectly) and will then act out the tenets of the framework without needing to be told what to do. This influence can be Benevolent, Malevolent, or Benign.
Iam "Ok. So, yeah. That, I think, kind of vaguely ties into the 'influence' concept that I've been trying to flesh out (i.e. Purple-Man theory). So, let's say I posit a "framework of conceptualization". I outline the tenets of the framework and you accept it as "truth". This framework (now) becomes the lens through which you view the world and you will likely act out the framework and the tenets as outlined without the need for me to use "direct influence". This raises several questions. The first of which being 'Are you the framework you've adopted or the ego that adopts the framework'? You could also ask 'to what degree does the framework usurp the ego (if at all)'? So... I guess we'll start there."
Hym "They are the framework. That's the presupposition of the NPC (Non-Player Character) nomenclature that I coined in the earlier stages of my work. By adopting the framework you become the framework and act it out completely."
Iam "Well, no... Not entirely. There is always some deviation from the framework and through argumentation and conversation you can get people see the nuance that exists outside of the framework."
Hym "But they always default to the framework after the conversation ends. We've seen it many times. Cognitive dissonance prevents the actor from adding or subtracting from the initial framework."
Noun - Some asshole in your gym who brings a tripod, sets it 20 feet away from his machine, then gets mad when another individual appears in frame, or a girl who wears skimpy clothing at an attempt to record other gym goers glancing her way to call them "creeps".
That girl over there has a whole tripod and is doing RDLs in front of that guy. She's clearly a fitness influencer.
A bad person who makes bad videos
Example:Addison Rae
Addison Rae is a bad influencer
What junior Grimes (J. Grimes) is
known for doing everything that is illegal and frowned upon. This kid has got ABSOLUTELY NO LIMITS and will do whatever he wants in the name of freedom (and himself of course) “junior the egomaniac” is pure chaotic evil, hot asf though
Makes tik toks and crazy videos
Junior is a bad influence, yet bitches find him irresistible
Just cuz he’s beautiful doesn’t make him good
Stop hanging around with old J, that boy is a bad influence
Technology products produced solely for the attention of social media influencers and/or reviewers.
The products are typically manufactured with weak craftsmanship, have little or no long-term software support, and have a high price.
A manufacturer may financially compensate an influencer to review, talk positively about, and be seen using a product.
Who even is the target audience for AI assistant devices? Why can't they integrate the technology to smartphones? They feel like influencer bait!