dumb ass mother fuckers who dont know wut the hell good music is
jeremy: dude, my girlfriend lyks the jonas brothers...wut do i do?
jarrett: wtf? they dumb as hell, tel ur gf to listen to better music or dump her ass!!
73π 24π
A group of "guys" who "play" "rock" "music" for some high pitched pedo-phyle mouse and need permission to play "songs" from disney channel, and fans (mainly kids) compare them to grreat bands like AC/DC and Metallica , saying that they have a good reception at concerts, etc...
Jonas fags, Jonas Sisters, JonASS brothers, etc...
Person 1: hey i got this new Jonas Brothers CD wanna listen to it?
Real person: No way man, i aint listening to β hat crap "music" lets put some ACDC on
38π 10π
Three brothers that do each other before every concert, and that is why girls love them so much.
Sarah loved the Jonas Brothers so much because they do each other β₯.β₯
92π 33π
A fruity 3 "man" band who "sing" about friendship and such. 99% of the girl teen population has a weird obsession over them. Every girl who is in love with them has an I.Q. lower than a fish.
The Jonas brothers all claim to be straight, but their so far in the closet that "they are having adventures in Narnia." They try to hide the fact that they have vaginas by stuffing them with paper during photo shoots.
Smart person-"stfu please?"
82π 27π
A shitty and talentless band that plays Excrement falsely classified as rock music. The common Jonas Brothers fan that I have come across claims to be a hardcore rocker. When these fans are asked about rock legends such as Led Zeppelin, Lynard Skynard, Rolling Stones, The Beatles, or Nirvana they scratch their head in confusion.
Jimmy: My favorite band is the Jonas Brothers.
Bob: What the hell happened to Slayer, Pantera, or Metallica? I hate this world.
157π 58π
Three shits that cannot sing and smell like a dirty, 75 year old woman's vagina.
Ew.... the Jonas Brothers and Demi Lovato can't sing!
43π 12π
One of the four members of the Jonas Brothers "music" band. As sellouts, they have absolutely no talent and only appeal to 9-15 year old girls.
12 Year old girl;
1. OmG! i LoVe thE JonAs BroThErs!!! TheY'Re SooOO HaWt!!
Aboutanyone else;
1. see's jonas brothers on tv: Fuck, wheres the remote???
2. Bob: So when do you think the Jonas brothers start making REAL music?
Jerry: They cant, they dont have any talent.
225π 88π