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Big Bertha( a bop )

She’s being so Kaiden today

by Dickwriter69 June 9, 2024


A hot girl who probably watches anime and is depressed.

Wow, she’s turning into a Kaiden

by Ifuckhentaigirls January 24, 2021


An obese person who like to wear fur suits all day

Kaiden your a furry

by Ok i won't use my real name November 11, 2020


A smart mechanical friend but the least intelligent in society. Always can be seen driving a Honda Accord and constantly talks about Chevy Durmax's.

This person also has terrible hygiene and will always break the "Bro Code". (Don't bring them around your girlfriend)

Kaiden will always say "Just because there is a goalie doesn't mean I can't score"

Kaiden is acting like Kaiden again.

by Mrboulder May 27, 2020


Kaiden is a player who tries to get with girls for the fun of it when he is single. When he is taken and finds a girl he really likes, he becomes the most loyal and protective person around. Kaiden's are never a follower and can be a bit aggressive when someone challenges them. They are always honest and will always have their friends backs.

Girl 1 - "Kaiden has been texting me everyday, I think he likes me"

Girl 2 - "No he is just bored"

by Too.HoT.for.YOU November 25, 2021


the nice person you will meet. a nice man with a very deep voice and a sizeable pp. he also has very large grabable boobs that i love to squeeze.

man have you seen those HONKERS on kaiden! i just want to squeeze them until i die.

by blEsT082 April 5, 2022


A gay and homophobic boy who is always on his Kaiden arc. He also likes frogs and the Deadpool comics.

Person A: Who’s the most traumatized TSN character?
Person B: Either Bex (Raymond) or Kaiden

by Theshakenneverland May 14, 2022