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Kamikaze Screw

Having sex with someone you find disgusting purely to spite them.

I totally Kamikaze screwed that girl last night.

What do mean?

I fucked her, will never call her back, and when my roommate tells her I hanged myself, it's really gonna mess with her head.

by Oavio McCool April 10, 2010

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Japanese kamikaze

A sexual act in which a Japanese male lathers himself up in lubricant and suspends himself from the ceiling. He then proceeds to fall from the ceiling and yelling "kamikaze" before falling into the girls vagina. The end result is a very painful and awkward landing that may yield infertility.

Me and this Asian chick did the Japanese kamikaze last night. My mom walked in confused, as she had heard intense screaming, and her lube was all gone. The next day I was sent to a counselor for mental help.

by wtf56 December 20, 2013

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kamikaze come-on

A pick-up attempt doomed to fail. Usually occurs when the person being picked-up has much higher mate value than the one making the attempt (e.g., much hotter). Clearly, it's a suicide mission.

Jenn: Is that guy really trying to talk to those models?!?

Krisi: Kamikaze come-on. Sooooo not gonna work.

by cherryblossom July 3, 2009

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short kamikaze

The act of a midget front flipping into a woman's vagina to inflict as much pain as possible on contact.

I heard bill's mom gets a short kamikaze in the ass every night

by J. L. Schlong Jr. December 13, 2016

The kamikaze position

The kamikaze position is when a female is on her back naked and has her hips thrusted up in a position where her vagina is open. Then the male host gets on top of a ladder, completely naked, and swings around and around on a ceiling fan three times until he yells bonsai and dives onto the female host penis first and penetrates her vagina like a kamikaze pilot would when sinking a ship.

Did you know that Forest can do the kamikaze position perfectly with Jenny. She said it felt as if Japan had given her the best penetration she had ever felt.

by Eston555855 December 12, 2020

Kamikaze Daygame

Cold approaching random women on the street going about their daily lives. Most of the time, this leads to sure rejection because you're asking them to interrupt their plans for a random stranger, but occasionally one sticks.

Chadrick: "She's pretty hot, is she from one of them sets you opened last night?"
Chadward: "Nah, bro. I picked her up running kamikaze daygame in Soho. Pretty brutal, but it was worth it."

by ChadryChaddlesworthTheThird October 22, 2020

kamikaze cunt

Some bomb ass pussy that is attatched to a crazy bitch

"I heard that debra is a Kamikaze cunt", "why do you say that?" "She cut off ryans dick last week"

by Kekistan is for retards October 9, 2017