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kia is short for makia

kia can you please wash the dishes?

by honeybunsforusheesh January 23, 2023


Know-It-All (KIA): A species of human that cannot be told anything that they haven’t already heard and/or they know better than you at all times, in all circumstances, and will generally defy you with their dying breath. They cannot hear what you’re saying, but merely wait for your mouth to stop moving or texts to stop so they can tell you how/why/what. Narcissists and insecure individuals are known for this particular personality trait. Also, they were probably not breastfed.

1) Tim is such a KIA. He refused to listen when I asked him to please not overload the dryer so the clothes would dry and the motor would not burn out.
2) When Janet heard that her neighbor’s dog needed its anal glands expressed she promptly shifted into KIA mode by demonstrating the proper technique, emailing articles, drawing diagrams and then finally using herself as an example. It didn’t matter that the neighbor was a professional pet groomer, breeder and dog rescue volunteer for the past 20 years.

by Jenneration November 19, 2021


killing in action, unlike mia in the military , this is killed while you in the united states of america military.

he was kia by the enemy a rookie...dishonorable discharged for not taking this seriously, his family gets no compensation.

by Megasus Thirst Jesus Christ May 3, 2022


Karen’s best friend.Kia could be a nice person, that could play the role of being nice to people she dislikes,very good at acting. She could be a good listener, but could pretend to be an acquaintance. Has a quirky personality but its a disguised to get people to like her, and hide her personality disorder. Could have issues with her sexuality, but she is true to her family. Has trouble making decisions about her career, could have a career of success but likes to take breaks, in reality she not happy with her career choices. Loves to take breaks, manipulates people to do her job or things for her. Usually works as a cashier, or as a server. She loves animals, and the beach. Could be a type of car.

Karen: I love Kia she is my best friend!

by NatVeryCool November 24, 2021


Probably one of the most hyper people out there. While never meaning any harm, can sometimes offend people with their jokes. Can be a hit or miss type of person when it comes to being friends but in all, is nice.

Hi, my name is Kia. I really hope we can be friends

by Ozzyecho May 17, 2022


Stands for "Know it all". Not to be confused with "Killed in action", or the car brand. Used to describe a particularly annoying person.

Jim: Oh my god. He's such a know it all.
Frank: I know, what a KIA.

by BRAVE BROWSER January 12, 2021


Know it all

I see you know it all. I👀kia

by Evalegit December 26, 2022