An extremely hard-working college student that works very difficult, hot, and sweaty jobs for very little pay. Will do anything short of prostitution to get money. The student may also be beaten and sworn at.
Slave laborer, ditch digger, pear picker, weed puller, etc.
When a male person only wants a female partner for the housecleaning, cooking, and other free labor he is too broke to hire on the open market. Usually unemployed and incel, has an overinflated valuation of the minimal effort he brings to the household.
That broke labor digger hasn't tried looking for a job.
Poop labor is when you know you have to poop but when your cheeks hit the seat you can't poop so your just waiting for it to come out. Occasionally pushing and pushing then breathing as if in labor. Just waiting to poop.
"Im In poop labor. I really have to poop and it's like half way out but pushing isn't helping."
Labor Pivot: The act of saying fuck it to your job due to Covid stay at home protocols. Labor Pivoting involves but not limited to, online gaming, daily food delivery’s and wearing clothing only from the waste up for zoom meetings.
Jane the librarian: “I use to love working with kids during story time and the Dewey decimal system…but after this Covid bullshit I’ve done a complete Labor Pivot and I am much happier.”
1) The one coworker that's been there for years, but is also depressed and takes out his angst on every one else.
2) The build up of stank on your dick after a hard days work.
3) An inappropriate or untimely boner at work.
4) When you have to get one last nut off while your girl is in labor.
1) Guy 1: "Keith sure knows what he'd doing, but he's still the labor dick of the office."
Guy 2: "Yeah, fuck Keith. What a dick."
2) Girl 1: "My man came home with straight labor dick and I still pleased him."
Girl 2: "What a trooper."
3) "Old Greta bent over at the office today and I saw her saggy tits, then I popped a major labor dick."
4) "Delivering that baby looked painful, but I really needed that labor dick."
The action of where you make your money work for you.
The act of making your money your employee.
There should be a law against money labor, it’s ashame that someone would make a innocent dollar work for them to make them more money.
An ethnic slur mistakenly said by a young child when speaking of Darth Vader.
Hispanic 4 Year Old( in Walmart): Is that the Dark Laborer?
Mother of 4 Year Old: No, that is not your father.