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lurked out

1. getting checked out in a really creepy way
see definition of lurk

"ugh, I'm getting lurked out by that hobo over there."

by definecolor.com February 5, 2010

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lurk link

A lurk link is a link to someone's myspace profile, for the purpose of whoever you are talking to being able to see who you are talking about. This is widely used in instant message conversations and myspace bulletins.

Darin was telling me how saggy this girl was, and I didn't understand until he sent me a lurk link.

dudeman1: Dude this chick is saggy
mandude2: lurk link, dude.
dudeman1: http://wwwhatever
mandude2: sag city, man.

by Jake Shaw October 15, 2007

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Lurk Skywalker

N. (noun) One who constantly lurks other people. Most commonly on social networking sites, but may entail broader lurking activities.

Hey Lurk Skywalker, stop creeping my facebook.

by johnnymyers November 17, 2009

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lurk jerk

Someone who lurks people's myspaces, then wanks to their pics.

Guy: dude that fool spends all his time on myspace beatin off.
Other guy: yea bro, that guys a total lurk jerk

by Bobby H April 18, 2006

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lurking libby

An individual who skulks in the shadows and corners, watching and spying on you while in public. A busy body. A person who noses into the personal business of others for their own sad entertainment.

Do you see that lurking libby over there recording our conversation with her phone? Watch out for Sally, I heard she's a real lurking libby, and she'll creep on your every move!

by Thickrick66 October 29, 2020

lurking the book

An activity in which you lurk people's shit on facebook.

guy 1: "what are you doing on that girls profile bro?"

guy 2: "oh you know, just lurking the book"!

by chadadadad October 4, 2010

lurking chicken

A prank where one lurks in a place where they will soon be found, flapping their arms like chicken while leaning forward with an intent gaze; often for the purpose of startling someone.

I walked into my bedroom, and Derek was behind the door doing the lurking chicken; it nearly gave me a heart attack.

by OhFee August 23, 2017