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empty lust

The feeling opposite of love, primarily used by people that want to tease/trick others into thinking they love them.

She led him on through flirts and didn't mean any of them, called it empty lust

by Latin Dinosaur June 26, 2021

buffalo lust

when you want to go somewhere really badly

i have some serious buffalo lust for miami

by detentionsrus January 28, 2021

Novelty Lust

The excruciating desire for something new.

"What have you been doing all summer break?"

"Torrenting all of amazon's recommended music. I got a serious case of novelty lust."

by gustipher December 16, 2009

Butt Lust

The feeling of lust towards towards a particular ass.

Guy 1:'Yo, bro y'all see that ass over there?'
Guy 2:'Yeah Man I got heavy butt lust on that shit'

by jamzyyyy May 30, 2019

electrogadget lust

Intense or unrestrained craving for a product, state or experience of gadgtastic euphoria that stems from playing with or using electrogadgets

dude, i'm having trouble surpressing my electrogadget lust for the iphone

by Dave S Young July 2, 2007

Lust Lacker


Describes a person who has a lackluster sex life and lacks sexual fantasies.

My husband is such a lust lacker... he hasn't asked me to dress up as Batgirl or let him have a threesome or anything.

by The Amazing Bill O'Reily May 16, 2011

Gender Lust

Exactly the same phenomenon as gender envy but followed by lust for said character or general horniness.

Person 1 : Satoru Gojo is so hot I feel strong Gender Lust toward him.

Person 2 : Aren't you just horny for him ?

by Thicc Bottom, Lord of all Gays April 4, 2021