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eastport south manor

eastport south manor is probably one of the whitest schools on li. even though there's literal token black and hispanic kids, there is still a diverse population. rich white kids (eastport), poor white kids (mastic), gay white kids, tall white kids, short white kids. recently, the school was on news 12 twice for a policeman leaving his gun in a bathroom stall and a vice principal watching porn in a classroom. the admins are more worried about looks and damage control than actually helping the students and teachers, there is NO communication between the students and admin at the very least. the jshs looks poor, since the lunch food is ass and there's been water leaking out from the ceilings since forever. the principal knows that there are bad teachers, and still does jack shit about them. there was a bullshit rule added, which forces you to have your ID to get to lunch. I've gotten in there without needing to scan, and on those days a bunch of other people didn't need to scan, and nothing was different. the security guards are assholes, one has a fucking gun on her but clearly that shouldn't be allowed because of that police officer but whatever. one time a teacher got so mad about us not shutting up so he told us about the time whe. he watched his friend got murdered. that should paint a picture about some of the teachers who are allowed to work here. don't get me wrong, there are some genuinely really good teachers but still.

kid: this teacher at eastport south manor teaches a science class yet teaches in a very horrible manner for students who are not nerds. can you do something about him?
principal: fuck you he needs a job, no.
kid: you're allowing a teacher that gives average kids shit grades to work here because... how else is he gonna get money?
principal: yes

by iaminseverepain69 December 17, 2023

Manor sports ground, England

A sports ground opposite bohunt Worthing school. A place where the public go, bohunt kids do PE and roadmen and gangs hang about

The manor sports ground, England is opposite bohunt school

by TakeALook October 28, 2019

Manor Lake

A small neighborhood in Rockville, Maryland. Known for their deer and hatred toward the neighborhood next to them, Aspen Hill. Consists of very expensive houses that aren't that great. Great place to spend Halloween night in. Located around Lake Frank. Very strict Home Owner's Association.

Bob: Whoa, are we seriously going to Manor Lake?
Joe: Yeah, they have all of those huge candy bars for Halloween.

by Maddest of the O's April 10, 2011

Manor new tech

Dumb ass school with all these fake ass people

If you want a fake friend be sure to apply, but remember Manor New tech only accepts 60 students from each sho!

by Newtechculture June 12, 2018

Manor Newtech

Often populated by nosy people, newtech is the school where you cannot hide your business. Stress may overwhelm you by the first year, but don’t you worry, there is a lot more anxiety to come. A true unnecessary experience to have as a troubled teen.

I wanna go to Manor newtech because it’s for smart people

by cytokinesis June 12, 2018

Manor Beer Pong

Immaculata's finest collection of male beer pong players. This elite group comes from the beautiful garden state and challenges any other group of beer pong playing teams. They are undefeated and are currently looking for a sponsor. Also known as "MBP".

The Manor Beer Pong team talks a lot of smack, but they have the pre-game work out, and the experience to back it up!

by Marc Palestini February 18, 2006

Abbey Manor

This school is filled with short people and slags (Zyla, Lea, jasmine and the list goes on. Paul (aka black homer Simpson is a teacher there for a class of twats (JE5) The true fact no one there is respectable just angery hot heads

Lea fucks people with big heads and crys rape

Jasmine gets in cars often

Xyla gives blows to the mandem

This is more shit then abbey manor

by That1fromhachem January 11, 2020