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Mansplaining is the act of a man explaining something he may not really know to a woman who does. The assumption behind it is that knowledge is somehow inherent in the male condition, paralleling a void of knowledge waiting to be filled in the female condition.

Example - mansplaining

Man: I read a book about the subject *goes on talking about the book* (...). But it's actually really complicated. I'm sure you're not familiar with it.

Woman: I know all about it. I actually wrote that book.

by josez March 11, 2017

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When there is a woman who feels like she is being belittled from a condescending male in a social situation which may be true or could also be because of own personal insecurities/flaws, the term can also be just as belittling and condescending depending on how it is used and so both male and woman (usually both are associated with a certain political stance) begin to argue over which person is more hypocritical. Mansplaining can sometimes be a destructive and derogatory term that is usually associated with the political feminist ideology which fights for equality but has over the years been a way for specific women to generalize towards a male who doesn't agree with that woman's opinion and can use it as an excuse to get what they want, this only goes for certain women who are manipulative; not all woman. Manipulative males do this as well to women but it is usually associated with a different term. When you have both a manipulative male and manipulative woman together, it usually results in a heated argument.

Random conversation a male is having on a woman crush

Woman: I think men need to learn how to treat women better and woman should have equal rights

Male: I totally agree, it is a basic human right to have equal opportunity in the same career regardless of any external factors beyond that person's control.

(Woman with blank look on face)

(male continues)

Male: If we want to be a civilized and equal society, we must first make the time to identify and educate ourselves about our own flaws and work towards them.


Male: Okay! I'm sorry! You had a blank look on your face like you might of been confused so I just wanted to clarify so there isn't any miscommunication.


Male: Okay! I'm sorry for being a burden.. Why doesn't anyone ever understand me?

(Later on the news)

News Anchor: SIblings found male hanging in bedroom; says he had a history of depression.

Don't let Political ideology morph you into not caring for others, whatever side you associate with; always remember they are human too.

by OmittedWaffle November 26, 2020

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When a man speaks condescendingly to a woman on a matter he believes her to be ignorant of, when in fact his own knowledge of the subject is materially incomplete. The possibility that she may know more about the subject than he does is one that the mansplainer cannot fathom.

Note that simple a misunderstanding, that occurs without derogatory stereotyping or condescension, is not "mansplaining," regardless of the gender of the participants in the conversation.

Jim was mansplaining to Rebecca, an astrophysicist, what causes the tides. When Rebecca's friend tried to tell him Rebecca was an astrophysicist, Jim said, "Oh! You're boyfriend's an astrophysicist. I'd like to meet him."

by Pythia22 December 20, 2016

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to delighting in condescending, inaccurate explanations delivered with rock solid confidence of rightness and that slimy certainty that of course he is right, because he is the man in this conversation

Even though he knew she had an advanced degree in neuroscience, he felt the need to mansplain "there are molecules in the brain called neurotransmitters"

by Handmaid February 5, 2010

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An explanation provided by any man because women aren't capable of providing it.

After hours of listening to Mary babble, I mansplained our sales pitch in a few minutes and everyone loved it.

LaToya struggled with her dinner order, so I mansplained it to the waiter.

The traffic cop was about throw a beat down on Tanya but I mansplained that she was in labor.

by Al-BadDaddy November 19, 2017

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To explain in a patronizing manner, assuming total ignorance on the part of those listening. The mansplainer is often shocked and hurt when their mansplanation is not taken as absolute fact, criticized or even rejected altogether.

Named for a behavior commonly exhibited by male newbies on internet forums frequented primarily by women. Often leads to a flounce. Either sex can be guilty of mansplaining.

The members of the equestrian community were unimpressed when Bob posted an essay that mansplained a solution to a horsy problem they were all well-acquainted with.

by TheGiggler April 26, 2009

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Mansplaining is a man explaining something to a woman in her own area of expertise.

It was excruciatingly painful to overhear the mansplaining she was subjected to on a daily basis.

by NaturallySo March 11, 2017

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