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People who write "a woman must bey the three C's: Cooking, Cleaning, Sucking" but still get very upset when you call them primordial beasts, porn-crazed cavemen and uncivilized Neanderthals


Men: Women are there to serve men. They are mobile dishwashers and sex slaves! They deserve to be slammed and beaten"
Women: Lollololololololololol!!! The men of UD Uhuhuhu *making monkey noises* Hey Cavemen, who let you out of the zoo?

by The Happy Humanist February 14, 2010

2318๐Ÿ‘ 7606๐Ÿ‘Ž


Swedish for Menstrual Cycle.

hopefully i can get rid of my headache too, its because of the mens, its called mens in swedish

by bzImage January 26, 2007

8๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


Men: those of the human species who produce the Y chromosone in reproduction.

Commonly known as: Sexist, Egotistical, Self-centred, Machoistic, Hypocritical (abbreviated list)

Statistics: Each man progresses through several phases, most of which he never grows out of.

1. Showing off; due to the compulsive need to bolster their ego's, males show of and compete with the intention of proving themselves better than every one else.

2. Arrogance; mistakenly believing that they are the superior sex, when it is woman who bring them into the world and nurture them. Looking down their nose with contempt at those who may not have the beliefs, values, or materialistic perks that they have.

3. Sexism; forgetting that they originally started off as females.
Evidence: males have nipples when they have no need for them, however, a fetus that MAY develop into a female WOULD need them. IT has alos been scientificcally proven.

4. Nymphomaniac; regardless of what they actually think personally, they project an image to the world that all they are after is sex, thus creating the stereotypical view of men, which has been proven true considering that they think about sex on an average of 400 times a day.

At some point in their life, all males are COMPLETE and UTTER jerks. Granted, women are often bitches at some point, but men do it far more often, are FAR more aggressive, and every war ever started and kept going has been cause buy a man.

Men are evil.

by The Happy Humanist February 13, 2010

2081๐Ÿ‘ 7599๐Ÿ‘Ž


they are a species that live in a (trash) can

men are trash

by dede cute girl May 30, 2019

7๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


Creatures who seem to derive (sexual) pleasure from dehumanizing, physically and verbally assaulting, degrading, and raping female children and women.

These creatures create a demand for violent and dehumanizing pornography and are responsible for the fact that 90% of scenes in best-selling pornography depict violence against and degradation of women (see Robert Wosnitzer et al, 2006, "Aggression and Sexual Behavior in Best-Selling Pornography: A Content Analysis", p. 18).

These creatures refer to female children and women as "cumdumpsters," "cunts," "kitchen appliances," "whores," "sluts" etc.

A recurring fantasy of these creatures (i.e., "men") is the wish to physically assault and rape women.

They keep submitting definitions like these:

3. female
An inferior species that, over the course of time, has not learned that it's purpose is sex. They have insisted that they be equal to men, when in fact, they could never be. Fat women should die.
Rape is fun. Really fun.

32. Woman
The useless lump of flesh surrounding the vagina
I was trying to fuck this vagina last night but that stupid woman kept fighting back

47. Women
"Women" were created for the sole purpose of serving man. Women's place is in the kitchen. She is not to speak back to man, if a women does speak back to a man, the man is allowed to bitch slap that women upside the head.
Women: I'm tired of you treating me like shit!

Man: -Bitch slaps Women- GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN!

61. woman
A cunt that deserves to be slammed and beaten.
Woman is a vicious cunt who should be eradicated.

I can only urge girls and women to stay away from these creatures and never let their infinite hatred get you down.

by The Happy Humanist July 29, 2010

2000๐Ÿ‘ 7544๐Ÿ‘Ž


a sex that, due to no fault of its own, is the superior sex; according to women, it has been a conspiracy of men since the beginning of time to be the superior sex that runs the world; but, perhaps, nature may have something to do with it

Men, while being responsible for most conflicts, are also responsible for the vast majority of progress- even before our concentrated "effort" to supress women

by robdog073191 May 7, 2005

129๐Ÿ‘ 526๐Ÿ‘Ž


See MAN, Plural Of man

by Anonymous July 17, 2002

185๐Ÿ‘ 775๐Ÿ‘Ž