The reversal process of mewing. Where your jawline goes to fuck.
Micha fransman likes to do reverse mewing.
That fatty really has no jawline, he must have been reverse mewing.
How did that guy get such a bad jawline? He has been reverse mewing.
dumb group chat on discord filled with the worlds greatest mewers and jupivix
God I fucking hate Mewing Royalty
The Mew Effect is when you made a friend and have a good relationship with them for the first year of being friends together, But on the second and third year your supposes "friend" of yours will immediately hate you, Despise you, And No longer want to be friends with you.
"Bro, This guy has the Mew Effect"
The latest cringe slang of our generation of 2024- for showing off a chiseled jawline
“That guy has been mewing the whole school day”
“That guy has been mewing all over instagram/tiktok/youtube”
A gen alpha slang that means making the jaw more square by placing the tongue on the roof of the mouth.
Dude 1: Hi!
Dude 2: I am busy. I am mewing!
Mewing is a way to change your jawline so that you look like a gigachad, it has also turned into a meme.
I've been Mewing for 3 years now, and the results are outstanding.