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middle school

The place where you get to either:
A. Sit around and be addressed as "bruh", "cuz" or "gurl", laugh at all the little sane kids, and just be a complete prick,
B. Sit back and watch the show, bystanding at all times, never being talked to because you don't need any friends since they act as mentioned above (If you are one of the people that fit into this category, welcome to the club)
C. Be teased all day about shit that doesn't even matter, backstabbed by people who brush their teeth with a brush made of cannabis and have a condom for a soul
Or D. Cut your wrists and cry yourself to sleep because the world is so cold and unforgiving
So just in general, a hellhole that supposedly does not prepare you for the real world, as someday all the bitches will have to grow up and get a damn job. Right now, sixth grade is being a bitch and I'm stuck in this little pool of 2-year-olds while I feel like I'm nineteen.

A. Kid: Ay bruh luk at dat ass bruh ill tke tht for lataniasha bruh bruh bruh bruh etc.
B. Kid: Dude, go pick up a dictionary, your spelling is making my eyes bleed.
C. Kid: B. Kid, don't tell him that or else he's going to treat us all like whores. -runs-
D. Kid: quiet, i'm trying to concentrate you insolent souls
Me: Screw this. When I get out of middle school, man...

by The Bacon Strangler October 24, 2011

16๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

middle school

The hardest 3 years of a childs life.Round up by mostly fake people who pretend to be your friend for the whole year but wind up stabbing you in the back within the last 3 months.Middle school is the time were girls turn into little sluts and go around looking for the biggest dick to suck.Same goes for little wanna-be gansta boys who will try to get in any girls pants with the biggest butt,but wind up failing.Middle school is a wasted 3 years of a kids life,since it is only an advanced version of everything you learned in elementary school.Middle school is full of teachers that think they know everything,but in reality,they only know so much.In middle school,there is no way of escaping drama,since it lurks in every corner.Overall,middle school is the gates of hell for any kid entering there pre-teens.Just keep to yourself,stay away from the popular kids,and find a group of friends you can actually stick to.

6th grade: Not too bad,its quite easy to make friends,since no one really doesnt know anyone.

7th grade: Now there are cliques,popular kids,nerds and just regular people....it only gets harder from here.

8th grade: The year were you find out who your true friends are.The year were you find out whose real and whose fake.The emotionial ending to your young teenage life.

Im in middle school and theres drama every single day.6th and 7th were fun,but now it aint no joke.

by !.jayjay.! May 3, 2009

72๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž

middle school

In the US, as of the aughts, middle school is the grade levels 6, 7, and 8. Following the unbridled innocence of elementary school, and predating the jaded contentedness of high school, junior high makes for an awkward middle stage in the development of an adolescent. Many people are just starting to experience hormonal changes and out of their ignorance do not understand what is going on inside them, so they attach their feelings of crumminess and despair to anything from their hair to their shoes to imagined feuds with their teachers. Once teens settle into these changes, they should see that these dilemmas were trivial. This does not explain why so many adults view this period as "Hell itself" in retrospect.

I can't believe my seventh grade science teacher had the audacity to call middle school the worst time of her life! Though that would explain a lot...

JRhiBBY12 is away. "outt w/ ab, cd, ef, mayb gh. ij call me!!"

7THgradeGRL: heyy wats^?
8THgradeisGR8's auto response: "seeing the Love Guru then dinner @ cheesecake factory. cell it<33"

~*~ damien + karissa ~*~ 4/6/08

Karissa: I just love NYC!
Larissa: Isn't it glamorous?!
Karissa: Yeah well it looked that way in "New York Minute"
Larissa: Want to go watch that and compare labias?
Karissa: Hey sure!What?
Larissa: What

Jillian: This project has got me so nerve-wracked!
Larissa: Me too. I haven't slept in, like, three days?
Jillian: I thought that's because you were video chatting with Damien?
Larissa: LOL no that was Karissa?
Jillian: Ahahahaha!
Larissa: Ahahahaha?
Jillian: Ahahahaheheheheheahaahha?
Larissa: I can't stop - I can't breathe?
Jillian: AHhahahaha omg?
Jillian and Larissa: Uncontrollably manic laughter resulting in spasms on the floor

by whowouldusethisname July 11, 2008

40๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Middle School

The Place everyone is dying to go to once they've graduated from Elementary. After about a 2 weeks of attending they realize that it's pretty much the same except the drama, which is caused by masturbating ass holes and slutty make up freaks (who never wear it right). Can range from kids who sing gay old songs in the hallway that still wear clothes from two years ago, to kids who've lost there virginity and smoke pot. Most of the insecure kids that have no life and decide to make other's life a living hell turn out to be the most 'popular' and the kids with reason who act their own age are bullied for no reason at all. Boys treat girls like shit because of 'crushes' and pretty much all the classes are useless. Not to mention the emo at every corner.

Graduated 5th Grader: YAY MIDDLE SCHOOL! This is gonna be great!

Graduated 8th Grader: Trust me it won't be. Thank god I got out of there.

Popular slut: Ew! You wear BROWN flip flops?
Normal girl: What's your problem?
Popular slut: What ever! What ever!

Boy: Wanna Date?
Girl: Sure! What's your name again?
Boy: Jeffery

Teacher: What are you doing?
Student: Your mom!
*class laughs*

by I have no idea. qwertyuiopasdf July 4, 2011

17๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

middle school

well middle school or jr. high is good some days and bad other days. boys will finally like girls and girls will like boys. and boys will think they are hot stuff and they tell the girls crap like i had my first boner today hoping they will get in bed with them. middle school is also the time of puberty it sucks balls. o yea bboys want the girls to give them blowjobs all the time. yea and u always get pimples and wish u were dead. and u cant wait till highschool. and they have really crappy teachers. but overall the school work part isnt that hard

middle school is ok..........except preppy people are annoying

by nathanlover April 6, 2006

74๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž

Middle School

Brief definition - Hell.
Long definition - A place where you get piles of homework every night and get detentions for not turning one thing in or doing something completely harmless.

The teachers either love you or hate you. There is nothing in between.

The cheerleaders are either the most popular because of their weight or style, or even outcasts because they can't do any other sport.

The girls are backstabbers and the boys are pervs.

where people call each other the most childish names you can think of. "Crybaby", "Loser", and they call almost everything and everyone gay or faggots, even if your not, or even if you are a girl.

It's all about labels. Roll your eyes once and they'll label you as being a priss. Say one thing wrong in class and they'll label you a retard.

They say 'That's what she said!' about so much stuff that sometimes it doesn't even make sense - they just say it to say it.

People make up lies about the other, making you a laughing stock when you didn't do or say anything of the sort.

You wanna go there so badly in 5th grade, and by the time your in 8th, you wanna shoot yourself.

middle school Girl: "So just do it!"
middle school Boy: "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID."

middle school kid: "You like Johnny!"
middle school girl: "What the Heck?!?! No I don't! I hate him."
middle school kid: "HAHA yeah you do your face is all red."
middle school girl: "IT'S 100 FREAKIN DREGREES OUT."
middle school kid: "haha, whatever, loser."

Cheerleader: GO TEAM!
Middle Schooler: What a freak. you only joined cheerleading cuz you suck at everything else.
Cheerleader: Nawt tah-rue!
Middle Schooler: 'nawt?' 'tah-rue'? Your GAY.
Cheerleader: I'm a girl!

by middle_SKOOL_'lOsEr' December 23, 2009

31๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Middle School

Coming from a middle schooler, this will tell you the definitive way of cheating on tests because we all know how bad middle school is, so this will be the one useful definition

How to cheat on tests, ok most teachers you can use all but THE most basic methods like writing the answers on your hand, even stuff like the water bottle method works in the back of the class, my favorite method though is with friends, you see i don't know if this works elsewhere, but in my school in the office there is a teachers mailbox with the answer key, one of my friends will be super well behaved for the first 2 days of the quarter to get teachers aid, then go to the office on a test, get the answer key and then pass it to me as i will ask to go to the bathroom, I will take the answer key, fuckin book it to the office (its kinda far from my biology class, which i cheat in so timing is important) and ask for copies as ms jane (fake name) wants extras as she lost them, again ms jane is forgetful, so then I will pass to my friend and he will take 2 (one to give to the teacher) and put the other one in his sweater, not in a pocket but inside, then both of us will have the answer key. Bravo, remember to not always get a 100 and this method is very high reward but also VERY high risk, you gotta master it and you can't use this every test as soon ms jane will get fired for losing every fucking answer key

but yea middle school is hell

5th grader: I'm going to go to middle school next year
8th grader: you mean hell

by psych1cgaming April 13, 2021