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They're followers of Islam and Their Prophet Mohammad Rasululah (SAW). They don't hate other religions. They don't force people to submit to Islam instead they HELP people convert to Islam ONLY if THEY (the person who wants to convert) WANT to convert to Islam. Muslims also help others gain knowledge about their religion aswell. Muslim women are not oppressed .They wear hijabs because in the Qur'an muslim women are told to cover themselves so that they observe their modesty and get identified as a muslim. Because of wearing a hijab women don't have an issue with men staring at their private parts like their butt and breasts and not get objectified and also to prevent men from staring at them because men have a more sexual desire than women.Muslims must believe in all of the Prophets including Prophet Eesa (AS)(also known as Jesus Christ)otherwise they won't be real muslims. We muslims are peaceful because in many muslim countries muslims are living their life according to the Qur'an and the hadiths of Mohammad . Insulting one another is one the things that the Qur'an forbids as it can cause people to lose their friendship or relationship with one or more than one people. It's also stated in the Qur'an that Allah hates those who don't fight for the purpose of self defense or jihad as fighting is forbidden in Islam. It's clearly stated in 2:190 of the Qur'an.There are also many things stated in the Qur'an that tells us what we shouldn't do in order to maintain our relationship.

Assalamualaikum, brother/sister. I'm a muslim

by James149 January 19, 2018

109πŸ‘ 283πŸ‘Ž


Muslims are peace loving, great people who have been given a terrible reputation by the small few who decided to cause destruction in the Western World. People discriminate, hate, and want to kill Muslims because of the radicalist groups within the religion, this doesn't mean that the entire population of the religion hate the western world or are willing to kill in the name of Islam.

Guy 1: I hate that Muslim guy over there
Guy 2: Why? Have you ever met him?
Guy 1: No, but he's Muslim so I hate him
Guy 2: That's ignorant. Just because a couple people who believe in his religion killed innocent lives doesn't mean he is also violent. Some of the nicest people I know are Muslims.

Guy 1: Oh, I see.

by geniusgandhi July 20, 2013

308πŸ‘ 855πŸ‘Ž


Are nice caring people and they are NOT TERRIOSTS! Ones who are are not true Muslims in fact Islam is a religion of peace!

Me: hey heard about the massacre caused by talibans

Friend: Yeah I'm blaming all the Muslims in the world
Me: dude those are just non-believers with stupid reasons in their heads. That's totally against Islam
Friend: cool ok bye

by Punk chic December 17, 2014

181πŸ‘ 501πŸ‘Ž


A follower of the religion of Islam--NOTHING MORE! Does NOT mean terrorist, sand nigger, towel head, rag top, dune coon, camel jockey, sand monkey, etc.

To all you fucking faggots that say otherwise, fuck you! You don't know shit and are comparable to the ACTUAL terrorists that do all that shit you hate. Well, what about you? You fucking encourage the same shit to be done, you fucking shitheads! Instead of letting you sit here sit here enjoying your barbeques, wearing your miniature American flags while at the same time avoiding jury duting and voting, we should make you go help in Iraq and be some bullet/bomb bait for good soldiers who don't hate all Muslims and deserve to live and come home. Fucking scum.

And as for Tyler from Texas or whatever the fuck your name is, you're especially bad, you shit-eating cocksucker! I normally do feel bad for victims of 9/11, but you're an exception. I'm going to assume that your parents raised you to generalize and hate and wish harm on innocents like you do, so fuck you and your dead family and friends. I mean, how great can a person be if they hang out with a piece of shit like you? Fucking faggot. Lord knows you're not doing a damn thing sitting here stereotyping. Had many ties to Islam and Judaism? MY ASS. You're just fucking making that shit up to look like a victim, when really you should have been in those towers in place of the guy who didn't stereotype and sling racist slurs.

And look at that bullshit about how Christians didn't denouce their religion when fed to the lions and Christianity is the one true religion. What a load of bullshit! Since when are Muslims denouncing their religion in the face of death? If anything, they're doing the exact OPPOSITE, cockface! And your religion being the one true religion, isn't that THE SAME SHIT you say the terrorists do? Fuck you, man. You're comparable to Hitler. You're probably some fucking redneck trailer trash who has a lifetime membership with the KKK and Neo-Nazis. Go to hell, bitch.

Muhammad Ali is a Muslim.

Muhammad Ali says Tyler and the rest of the goose-stepping Hitler worshippers suck.

by Correct July 1, 2005

414πŸ‘ 1224πŸ‘Ž


Muslims are people who believe that there is only one god and Prophet Muhammed is his messenger. they call this one god - ALLAH. they follow the religion islam.

Example of "Muslim" -Indonesia is full of Muslims.

by am a believer of islam . December 10, 2013

350πŸ‘ 1045πŸ‘Ž


A person who follows Islam. Often has to face prejudice , bigotry and harassment everyday because of people not being educated enough to know what Islam is about.
A Muslim is very kind and open. He will help you no matter what you need. A Muslim is very loyal to his religion and to people that matter to him like family and friends. A Muslim means good. Some make mistakes, but it’s not because of their religion. Don’t blame bad actions on a religion. A Muslim accepts other religions and is peaceful. He will great everyone with β€œAsalamu Alaikum” Peace be upon you. You can trust a Muslim because he trusts you. A Muslim seems to be like the Prophet, that means having a good heart, caring about people around him, caring about the people in need, the poor, the sick...

A Muslim is not a terrorists. A Muslim can’t kill ANYBODY. It is considered the biggest sin in Islam. Killing one person is as bad as killing the entire humanity. Think about that.

Muslim is a person with Islam as his religion. A person doing problems in another country and happens to be Muslim has nothing to do with his religion.
Don’t be a Trump supporter. Shake hands with a Muslim, we need this peace. We need to stop this ignorance and hate we have for one another.

Terrorists are not Muslims, not mater what they say or shout

by Algerialove May 30, 2018

101πŸ‘ 280πŸ‘Ž


A misunderstood religion. People just see whats on T.V. and accept it. Muslims are SUPPOSED to be all about peace and being respectful to other religions. Kind of like how the Jews and Muslims lived in harmony. They also are supposed to be about peace. Hence the word "Islam" meaning peace. Terror and Islam contradict each other. Sadly Muslims today are portrayed as blood thirsty, womanizing animals. Which is totally against the religion of Islam. The Americans did a good job making this whole religion of peace look bad.

Muslims are the cause of 911. Proof?

by TruthSeeker416 April 10, 2013

170πŸ‘ 496πŸ‘Ž