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Myles and Giovanna

The ugliest couple ever

Omg you see Myles and Giovanna!
Yea, so ugly they are so fat

by Cambiaiiii November 8, 2019


Myles is an extremely hot guy with a really deep voice. Once you start liking myles you can’t get over him. He is really mean but in a nice way. Thinking about him makes smile. He’s probably got a big pp. He can’t take a joke but I love him x

Girl 1:wow have you seen that guy he’s so hot

Girl:2 wow his name must be myles

Girl:3is he single..

by Rattytatty124 January 25, 2021


myles has a big dick and knows how to suck dick really good. you should definitely date him

boy1: myles has suck a big shlong!
boy2: ikr! he knows how to suck dick too!!

by mylesishere November 23, 2021


a rapist

I got raped by a Myles

by TomCruiseKidnapper January 26, 2022


myles is a nice strong person but when it come with the girls he get nun usually has a REALLY small dick and NO girls likes that

myles: wanna fuck :girls no you have a small pp

by August 29, 2021


The most boring person you'll ever meet. Will usually talk about finance or economics until you fall asleep.

Lady A: Did you hear Myles talking last night?
Lady B: No, I fell asleep.

by The Eye of Evil September 24, 2021


Myles is a very beautiful person living in this world. A tall, pointed nose, talented, and one of a kind.

Good music taste, her eyes so rich and brown that swiss chocolateers are jealous.

She really deserves love and bundle of it. A real love, a method man and mjb kind of love.

Myles is a perfect girl that I’ve ever met.

by Migsxz April 20, 2020