A Connection of 4 cities within the Southern Component of Louisiana which is considered unofficially by State a New Orleans-Baton Rouge-Lafayette-Lake Charles Metroplex. Similar to the Official Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex in North Texas. The Alternative name for it is "The 4-Plex Territory/Area" or "The 4"
The New Orleans-Baton Rouge-Lafayette-Lake Charles Metroplex should have been a proposal a long time ago to enhance and increase the attraction of the principal/chief city which is New Orleans. It worked with Dallas and Fort Worth, so it should work with new orleans and the following cities! The Unofficial New Orleans-Baton Rouge-Lafayette-Lake Charles Metropolitan Area would be 2,817,540 people and that would place New Orleans at Number 14 on the All Time Combined Statistical Area which is currently held by The Orlando-Deltona-Daytona Beach, FL CSA (Combined Statistical Area) at 2,747,614
Say Bruh if the Most High says the same, I will move Back to the "4-Plex New Orleans-Baton Rouge-Lafayette-Lake Charles Metroplex/The 4-Plex ya heard me?
11👍 17👎
The sexual act whereby a person with a tracheostomy pipe performs fellatio on a second individual while a third party precedes to take a french fry and place it in the tracheostomy hole. As the second party ejaculates, mayonnaise is promptly dispensed onto the french fry and the condiment covered french fry is enjoyed by all involved.
A variation of this act is the New Orleans Ketchup Dispenser when the penetrating member has an STD and blood comes out instead of sperm.
I visited Robert in the ICU tonight, Sally found a mouldy french fry on the floor so the three of us had ourselves a New Orleans Mayo Dispenser.... if you know what I mean...
I know you all want my input on this (Because why else you would be here)
Hym "So, the New Orleans massacre... 15 people were killed. The guy was a Muslim who was apparently radicalized by ISIS. I don't know if that's true. OR did you guys steal all of his shit? In which case, why did you expect him to not slaughter you for that? Stupid. Either way, not very interesting. I guarantee the media prescription if both self-indulgent and full of shit."
Having Thomas the Tank Engine fling a can of root beer into your asshole.
I sure wish my wife would let me do a New Orleans Root Beer Float, I love Thomas the Tank Engine.
New Orleans, aka NOLA or Shitville. If Lousyana is the arse of the world, New Orleans is the hole in it. It is the cradle of nigger jazz, crap food, evil pseudo-religious practice, and home of retards who hate everyone who is not exactly like them.
I hate New Orleans and the f***ng Saints.
To pull off a New Orleans hurricane you will need at least three people. One person will take the head of a friend or colleague and hold it down in the hotel room toilet, also known as a swirly. While said swirly is happening, another friend or colleague will enter this person (usually a male) anally using either a foreign object or more likely their genitalia. This is not considered a pleasant experience for the person receiving the New Orleans Hurricane.
As soon as we got to the hotel, we gave Mikey a New Orleans Hurricane. He did not like it one bit!!!
The act of placing a used sheet of toilet paper in or around someone’s house or at their door
My boss pissed me off yesterday so I left a New Orleans Bear Trap at his office door