A friend that lives with his parents and does a bunch of blow so he chews his nails down to nothing.
Sorry, he can’t open that can he’s a Fingy Num Nums
Vjig jkdchwjihdcjh wlwfuk cfbjghjrg hjcgrboj bj bojdcw bojdvfbowjfevbjh cd ihw bhw vr kw b wbrjf. Dw fjb feijbij bcjifbifvjbc dbjnknk m.. znfjbcf kjwbwjbfo cwjbkfcbkjcbcw dkjbjl
Wait what?
The Act of Num bumming/ getting Num Bummed by a Num Bummer. Is the process of taking 3 or more fingers onto a (preferably guy's) Rectum and making it numb
Person 1: Yo bro I heard that "frank" got a Num Bumming by "charlie"
Person 2: Dang he must've got a one fat ass
When you use another living beings asshole as a food dispenser
yesterday i was in the Zoo and i saw two elephants do the reverse num num
A person who is very simple in the brain and cannot figure out basic human concepts such as being able to pick a pen up without hitting your head on a table. They usually have literally no common sense and more commonly then not go by the names Olivia, Tilly and Lucy
Omg they literally just bashed their head against a wall and didn't notice! What a num-num!
A person's private parts; a proxy word to protect children's innocence.
Mommy what's that in between daddy's legs?
Thats his num num honey!
Rubbing down a cat like a man in an airport. If your name is Luke this comes naturally. And often.
Bro that Num num was right and tight