Source Code

Billie eyebrows

She’s got the biggest Billie eyebrows I’ve ever seen man

I’ve never seen so many girls with Billie eyebrows

by Dorky butt March 30, 2019

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Cuban Eyebrow

Placing penis on the temple of a lover and follow by shooting a stream of man milk accross the brow.

"It was so great, Marko gave me a wonderful Cuban Eyebrow last night!"

by JSKeck December 5, 2007

7πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

eyebrow wax

A method used by women to aesthetically enhance their facial features by curving, slimming down the brows and eliminating the uni-brow. This is however strictly for women or gay men, any man that does this is a faggot bc it is guy code that if you wax, you're gay. If men insist on taking care of their problem the only solution is to pluck away, but waxing is for homosexual tools.

That chick's getting an eyebrow wax
oh ya? so is that homosexual guy over there.
he like-a-the-way your cock tastes.
ya, only fags wax

by ManLawMaStA January 26, 2009

19πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

Darnell's Eyebrow

A term for a line of cocaine, taken from the albino black man on Big Brother 9 (UK)

Fuck man! Did you rack that up? It's like Darnell's Eyebrow!

by PC SEANI-B July 27, 2008

3πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Eyebrow slit

The culturally appropriated term created by white people to attempt to cash in on what is properly referred to as eyebrow cuts made popular by black people, most notably Big Daddy Kane, since the early days of hip hop.

Those white girls keep talking about eyebrow slits but they are actually called eyebrow cuts. Idiots.

by Mike Blizz October 11, 2018

253πŸ‘ 709πŸ‘Ž

Eyebrow slit

People from the LGBTQ+ community do it. It is a sign for them to know the person is from the community.They can do it if they don't want to do things like cuff jeans or an under cut.Straight people have now made it a trend but it's usually done by people in the LGBT community who have come out or are in the closet.

Eyebrow slits are a gay thing.

by Pamiibaby October 2, 2020

166πŸ‘ 469πŸ‘Ž

Xavier's eyebrows

A hot mess

Kevon: WTF happened to your eyebrows Xavier.
Xavier: Xavier's eyebrows man
Kevon: I can set you up with Ling Ling

by ___king_k___ October 10, 2017

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