To mistake paint for yoghurt and die as a result of it's consumption
My grandpa died of a Painter's Snuffjob, he drank paint mistaking it for yoghurt
When a painter, or any creative artist, is so intently focused and “in the zone”, their mind feels as if they are “high” and euphoric.
I got a real painter’s high while I was in the zone painting the other day.
When a painter finally accepts his or her lifetime virginity and as a result becomes sexually attracted to paint brushes to which they lube up with melted "I can't believe it's not butter" and then solves it up their ass.
Did you hear about the new fad technique painters are using to get off? It's called the painters pludger. I totally need to buy some "I can't believe it's not butter" right away so I can try!
When your paint game is so sub par your better off peeling potatoes then fucking over customers!
That fucking potato painter really fucked my shit up and ran off with my money!
A simple steel tool about the thickness of a large nail, 3-4 inches long, with a loop on one end and a flattened, upturned blunt tip on the other side. Used for opening paint cans.
Opening this can of varnish sure would be easier with a painter's key.
It’s funny he isn’t even an actual painter. He also likes to smell a lot of baby powder because it reminds him of his girl friend. He actually owns half Uzbekistan and this means that he can gauck like never before. Pay respect to this fine specimen and thank him for his service.
I want to be Alex painter’s Boo soooooooooooo bbbbbbaaaaaaddddddd.
Cave Painter is a derogatory term used to insult whites of all shapes and sizes refering to them cavemen and Neanderthals who painted inside on walls of caves and all other dumb ass whites there was - other similar but not equal words are - #wonderbread #whitey #honkey #brotherfucker etc
Whiteguy : Fuck off and go play Some "ball "with people that want you around Jamal
Jamal : well I guess I'll see you when you get home CAVE PAINTER cause your sister and your brotherfucker mom love playing with my balls - and your DadUncle is there and does nothing about it