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PC police(politically correct police)

The people who go bat shit crazy when someone says something slightly not politically correct. Usually overreact and are assholes about the slightest thing.

Person A: haha I love that midget dude he’s so funny
PC police(politically correct police): UHM ACTUALLY ITS β€œLITTLE PERSON” YOU DISRESPECTFUL JERK

by Carlisle Juniper August 31, 2019

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CPCFS (Chronic Political Correctness Fatigue Syndrome)

An increasingly common ailment across the United States, particularly with the gainfully employed.

Symptoms include the overwhelming urge to curse and yell "Really????" when reading almost any headline, or email bulletin from Human Resources.

The stress from the modern work environment may often cause suffers to consume alcohol, and or play the guitar at Volume 11.

Causes are well understood. The human brain is not hardwired to speak as the everything should be filtered through a "lawyer buffer". Those on earth that still have some sort of "Sense of Humor" find the modern work environment challenging. (Not the WORK part.....the EGGSHELLS part

CPCFS (Chronic Political Correctness Fatigue Syndrome) is the reason for Happy Hour.

by Killroy74 August 30, 2010

Political Over-Correctness

The absolute abuse of political correctness, the act of playing the victim, having a stick up your ass or being over-sensitive about negligible topics. Mostly used by Social Justice Warriors, Feminists, left winger's or any kind of minority. Political correctness defines the act of not discriminating or offending members of society. This standard is fine to uphold for any sane human being, however the problem arises when particular members/groups of society decide to take offence to inconsequential acts. An example is feminist women taking offence to men opening a door for them or pulling out a seat for them. Feminists are usually the main culprit of this act. 2018 will forever go down as the year of Political Over-Correctness.

Feminists are the face of political over-correctness

by Dhorseman Studs October 16, 2018

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Politically correct shitstain

A mark of shit which happens to be politically correct. In other words, means nothing.

-Why do you have a politically correct shitstain on your pants?
+Because it means nothing, and that's all that matters.

by adamolanadam June 21, 2022

in politically correct

its a boot-loops term do not bother to correct it you will just make your head hurt.

I go out of my way to be in politically correct

by bootloops April 3, 2019

politically correct

a violation of the 1st amendment

Hobo 1: That guy is visually impaired

Hobo 2: shut up we are not politically correct

by Kanye Southeast August 4, 2023

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Political Correctness

Political correctness is basically the reason why half of all jokes are "oFfEnSiVe" or something. I couldn't care less if you called me a pig (I'm a cop after all) but some 14 year old white girl on Twitter will get offended for me. Actually, that won't happen because political correctness has single-handedly caused cops to he hated on Twitter. People who follow political correctness also tend to be racist towards white people for whatever reason.

Synonyms: Bullshit, Annoying, Stupid

"Hey, did you know that Jessica follows political correctness now?"

"Yeah, didn't she cancel someone for being white?"


by Sanae Katagiri March 31, 2022

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