You see Jennica Mendez? Yeah she’s Kenzie Kay’s property.
A method in which the state makes a person take inventory of their personal property and use it to keep him or her in check.
This dissident is under arrest for not giving his property inventory to the government.
Stem from self-ownership. I own myself and (by extension) my labor.
Hym "I've invoked both Nat Turner and the Haitian revolt. Your litmus test for justified violence is the same as mine! Are someone's personal property rights being violated? Is there an imbalance of power? Those are talkimg points that I've used. You just did the thing I did, except, as a spectator. AND I'm a super-minority and you are a cracker. A filthy slut cracker but a cracker none the less."
Sentance used when someone wants to make the person talking to him go away or shut up.
Dude1: Hey did you know the xbox is better than Playstati-
Dude2: Hippity hoppity get off my property
yagi is Angiiee#0001 property on discord
please do not add her
angie you do not own yagi yes i do look on urban dictionary yagi is Angiiee#0001 property