The act of eating so many Hot Cheetos in the depression of isolation, that when you release your bowels the toilet becomes a spicy red, much like a hotpot.
Dude, is anyone hungry? Cause i'm about to make a quarantine hotpot
Wearing a nice shirt but casual bottoms so in a Zoom call it looks like you dressed up.
Friend 1: What’s the best thing about quarantine?
Friend 2: During my virtual meetings I can wear a button up and some sweatpants
Friend 1: Oh yeah, rocking that quarantine formal.
When things start to bother you for no apparent reason from being inside for too long.
"Idk man, I just was staring at the dishwasher the other day, and the black bar that went across it just got me"
"Dude that must be a quarantine qualm"
A completely unreciprocated, obsessive crush developed because of too much time on your hands. You have gone on several dates in your mind. In fact, you may have forgotten that you aren't actually dating this person in real life.
My quarantine crush and I have gone on so many dates in my mind, but he doesn't even know that I'm alive!
as a result of being in quarantine, you don't get any exercise and gain 15 kilograms/pounds. you can use any number from 13-119, but generally its 15. the name comes from the term "freshman 15", when freshmen don't have anyone to cook for them and they eat nothing but mcdonalds and starbucks muffins.
"Man, Dave came down with a case of quarantine 15."
"Yeah, I've done nothing but gaming and watch tv, I have the quarantine 30
A girl who’s hot enough that you wouldn’t mind being stuck with her at home for long periods of time
Damnn that girl is so hot, she definitely has that quarantine pussy...
When you are locked in doors and you can’t do sexual things with your s/o
Bro1, dude I’m not soooo horny
Bro2, bro I’m not just horny I’m quarantine horny