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An abbreviation for role-play, a form of play in which people are assigned different roles and act like them to form a story. In text, symbols are sometimes put around actions to tell them apart from phrases.

Let's RP!


Under the endless night sky, the gray she-cat lies peacefully in the tall grass.

He catches the cat and brings her home.

Hey, you need my permission in the RP to do that!

by Pastell Pastrii May 7, 2021


Rp stands for role play.

It’s a fun activity people take apart in across all areas of social media. This is usually something writers tend to enjoy since they’re able to test out their writing skills with other writers across the internet. Rp used to be all lit role plays until people started using it differently and it became less about writers and more about drama and laziness in a form of ilit. Now rp has sadly turned into a massive platform of ilit writers using ** in the form of an action.

rp means role play

ilit: *cries and holds his arms out* i’m so sorry!

lit: A tear falls slowly down his face as he holds his arms out in need “i’m sorry” he whispered, his voice cracking.

by hufflepuffplantgirl August 4, 2021


It can be used to refer to oxycodone for example on baby face ray the music artist his song real

I just popped 2 RP’S and Ima murk em - baby face ray

by Rapslaps September 17, 2023


roleplayer, roleplay. to pretend to be harmful online. this could include threatening to DDoS or doxx, yet never going through with the threat.

"nigga im ddossing you rn, u better get a new door LOL"
"bro ur such a rp your so harmless:

by Icyful October 5, 2021


retard play

a sexual act wherein two individuals pretend to act retarded during coitus

Him: I have an rp fetish
Her: Me too

Later . . .


by lemmonwedge August 9, 2023


(rp)or rhino pill which is found in most gas stations commonly found in detroit

finna pop a rp and kill the btc (female)

by alijahBruh December 28, 2023

Furry rp oil rig

if you say this please consider suicide

Furry rp oil rig 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓

by WhoZ July 19, 2022