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Rainy Rodriga

Rainy Rakeet Rodriga was a Minajian war hero during the 1st Badussy War. In 1876 during the Battle of the Border, she and her pet dog Busse saved 700 people from being captured by the armies of Nike Monaya. She was killed after accidentally stepping on a Barbian landmine in 1889.

Rainy Rodriga is a skinny legend

by Rainy Rodriga fan August 3, 2023


A girl...who is a badass when with her friends. but when with her crush? she turns into a...soft one. heh...look out for one around you.

"Ain't that Rainie from class XXX?"
"Yep, heard lots bout her, the bad-ass but soft infront of her crush"
"Yea, she's got one so wait for your chance, eh?"

by The unknown tata September 26, 2021

rainy cloud

when someone is feeling sad, upset or not doing too good.

I've been a rainy cloud lately.

Ever since she lost her best friend, she's been a rainy cloud.

by kimifish May 24, 2022