OK, let me break this down... Jordan Peterson has been lamenting the use of A.I. deep-fakes and how dangerous it could be and that it likely needs to be regulated... So Elon the retard does the actual thing.... That Jordan Peterson was worried about... And the politician says he's going regulated it... And now Elon the retard responds with 'Deez nutz' and that's... Good? Is Elon not doing the exact thing Jordan Peterson was worried about? And Gavin Newsom is doing the thing Jordan Peterson said needs to happen... But Elon sure is showing the guy who's doing the right thing (According to Jordan Peterson) who's... The real retard I guess... I mean.
Hym "What should the response be, Hoe Rogan? Is Jordan Peterson wrong about THAT EXACT THING being a problem or is Elon the retard right to be flippant about it? And how many kids to you want me to go for?"
To derive and opinionize science or pseudo-scientific facts and/or opinions to form a real world narrative that conflicts or aligns with laden fact, often to generate public dialogue or controversy.
The big pharma lobbyists presented a sub-par roganization of data at the hearing which prevailed in a speedy commute to public consumption.
Noun; the derivation/interpolation of facts, pseudo-fact, heresay, bespoke belief(s), propaganda, or any combination that creates a broad-stroke popular foundational narrative that, although partially true, is extremely difficult to disestablish once generally accepted.
Big pharma lobbyed for a scientific Roganization of the new cancer treatment drug, which speedily commuted it's targeted populace consumption.