The four qualities women require men to have when it comes to dating, unfortunately. The more you have, the better your chances with women.
1.) 6 feet tall
2.) 6 figure salary
3.) 6 inch D
4.) 6 pack abs
Fat ugly bitch: (looks at Bumble) "Oh he's cute but he's 5'9, wtf! I just want a guy who is **lists the rule of sixes**"
Cute friend: "Omg yessss bitch! You deserve that. You are such a catch!"
Fat ugly bitch: "Omg thanks girl! I mean you dated Chaz who checked all 4 boxes, but then he just ghosted you and blocked you after you guys had sex"
Cute friend: "Ugh yeah what a fu cking douchebag. And TJ too, except he was married so like whatever"
Fat ugly bitch: "Ugh we're gonna be single forever. Let's just camp out in front of Drake's house"
***Normal guy walks up to them***
Fat ugly bitch & Cute friend: (same time) "Sorry I have a boyfriend"
Normal guy: (didn't even get to shoot his shot) "God damn rule of sixes. This is why dating today is the worst it's ever been in history"
289๐ 53๐
Ruling sociobots (who have not done well in life by themselves and didn't have/didn't ask for help or the fear was put into them by other sociobots so much so that they GENUINELY and SINCERELY think it's right) fear not being sociobots or fear the consequences of not being sociobots and have some sort of opinions but inside the sociobot boxes.
Their fear may make them do things they would otherwise consider stupid or unnecessary or bad.
Most hopeless type of sociobot, but never beyond changing back
Any odd parent in Indian soaps or nearly any drama , ie, a Ruling Sociobot- That is not right. It's wrong. Don't do it...... OR. You will... . Face the consequences!!. ( cuz i cannot consider it, have control on it,or protect myself or you from it. SO, pls, stay away, or I don't know what I'll do. ... You see, it's an aspect of life i haven't or i have yet to face and... its outside the boxes. I am not the brightest one, iv'e been hurt, and the boxes have helped. Ill give you a gift, take these, Take these boxes. You can do whatever when they are with you. I mean, whatever in those boxes)
Note: DON'T take those boxes. Take this person to a spa, then slowly, eventually counselling/Therapy/anyone who knows the brain and can see reason.empathize. You'll see the change.
Let'em cry, keep paper tissues and a soft cloth for their face nearby
28๐ 2๐
Rule of Rose is an excellent horror survival game for the PlayStation 2, set in 1930s England in an old orphanage.
The point of the game is to earn 19-year-old Jennifer's memories back, which she lost when she was 9 years old.
Her parents took her on an airship ride when she was 8, and the ship crashed into the ocean not long after it set sail for India, and Jennifer as the only survivor. She was taken in by Gregory M. Wilson, who had recently lost his son and thought that Jennifer looked like his dead son, called Joshua.
Gregory locked Jennifer in the basement and called her Joshua, until a girl named Wendy stumbled across the basement window. Jennifer and Wendy exchanged many love letters before Wendy helped Jennifer escape from Gregory's house, taking her to the orpanage where she lived.
About half a year after she came to the orphanage, Jennifer found a stray puppy, which she named Brown. Wendy got jealous of Brown, because Jennifer was spending her time with the dog instead of her, and decided to found a club called 'The Red Crayon Aristocrats'. Wendy herself was secretly the princess, and all the other children in the orphanage were ordered to torment, bully, and torture Jennifer, so that she would run crying to Wendy.
However, Jennifer clung only to Brown, which made Wendy very angry. Almost a year after she had started ordering the Aristocrats to pick on Jennifer, she decided that either Jennifer or Brown was going to be buried alive. Jennifer, being a timid and weak girl, allowed Brown to be beaten until he was near death, and then buried in the orphanage courtyard.
Suddenly Jennifer realized just how foolish she'd been, and find out that Wendy was the one ordering the Aristocrat Club to do everything. She slaps Wendy and tells her that she'll never forgive her, making her fall to the ground, then runs off.
Later at night, the Aristocrats call Jennifer into the classroom. They have banished Wendy from the throne and want Jennifer as their new princess. Suddenly, Wendy is seen running up to the orphanage gates, and the Aristocrats all run outside to make fun of her, leaving Jennifer behind in the classroom.
When Jennifer makes her way outside, she sees Gregory M. Wilson, called 'Stray Dog' by the children because of his bizarre way of walking on all fours and growling, standing at the front door, led to the orphanage by someone resembling Joshua. All of the Aristocrats have been slaughtered, their clothes lay strewn outside of the door.
Jennifer fights Stray Dog and manages to knock him out. Then, the person who is dressed as Joshua apologises, pulling of their wig and revealing that it's Wendy. Wendy led Stray Dog to the orphanage becuase Jennifer loved Brown more than she loved her. She hands Jennifer a gun that once belonged to Stry Dog, that Wendy had stolen from his house.
But it's too late for Wendy, and Stray Dog sees that she's not Joshua, then drags her inside and breaks her neck. Just before Jennifer is about to shoot Stry Dog, he realizes what he's done, and shoots himself just after apologising to Joshua, wherever he may be.
Thus, Jennifer is the only survivor of the brutal orphanage massacre, and is taken from the scene by police. After this, she loses all her memories from her time at the orphanage. The objective of Rule of Rose is to regain them 10 years later while Jennifer is asleep on a park bench.
Contrary to popular belief, the stroy of Rule of Rose did NOT happen on and airship, and Jennifer was not 19 at the time. The reason it is taking place on the airship is becasue it had a strong impact on Jennifer- Remember, it was where her parents died. It's a dream, and lots of people die in Jennifer's dream that never really died in actualitly. Hoffman, Martha, and Clara all fled the orphanage sometime between Rag Princess and the Funeral, afraid of the Aristocrat Club.
The game chapters are split up into storybooks, each with a specific month in which they took palce ten years earlier. There is a special chapter about each of the Aristocrats, and special costumes that can be unlocked when you get the good ending.
Rule of Rose has excellent graphics and an haunting, spellbinding, and tragic storyline that make up for the half-hearted gameplay and battles. A must have for any survival horror fan.
"This may be YOUR life, but you'll play by MY rules..."
-The Prince, Rule of Rose
100๐ 13๐
Similar to what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. If you are having a private conversation that is not to be repeated you say "Vegas Rule".
Hi Joe, I need to talk to you "Vegas Rule". OK?
Vegas Rule on this, Shirley is a real b----.
42๐ 4๐
Always carry a knife
(originated from S.A. Gibbs' unwritten list of Rules, as per NCIS)
AGENT: Thank god for Rule 9! Now I can cut off these ropes!
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Defined by Christian Kane in his hit country-rock song "The House Rules": Rule #7 is don't touch the women, but they can grab anything they want to!
Rick: That girl in the cowboy boots is hot!
Dan: Rule #7, man!
Rick: I know, I know - I'll keep my hands to myself - but she doesn't have to!
87๐ 15๐
Don't Talk about FightClub......
RULE #1----Don't Talk about FightClub......
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