someone who has sex with Morgan, but they keep it lowkey. Also, never drive with her without your seatbelt. Red haired and fiery, day and night
Scarlet Nation what are you doing to Morgan?!?
Someone who's name shows up on the recently hacked list of registered users for married people looking for an affair.
"What's wrong with Dick? He seems really stressed. I saw him searching for apartments on his break."
"Yeah. His wife found his name on that hack list. "
"Ah. So we have another Scarlet A Lister on our team. That brings us up to three this week."
The descriptor for a woman who is attracted to British men. I.e. loyalist women being attracted to the red (scarlet) coats.
“All the men I like are British”
“Damm you have scarlet fever”
A gothic style that mainly revolves around the color red or a monochromatic palette accented with red.
"I love her red hair and her boots"
"Yea, Scarlet Goth is sooo pretty"
Quickie sex with a woman who is menstruating.
It's been that time of the month for my old lady but I still managed to scarlet speed 7 times!
feces which contains blood in it.
i just left a massive scarlet loaf in your toilet.
a show with the best puppet action ever. not very good concept but teh theme song was cool.
captain scarlet, dum dum dum dumdum dum dum dum dumdum
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