A singer who always sucks in live concert (without vocal edition).
Kris Wu is vegetable pussy singer but he believes he represent the future of Chinese Hip-Hop.
the program on flowers tv with annoying children and cringe adult judges . where da children sing shit but get ranked with cringe asf ranking system . your granparents love to watch it , even tho it ruins their brain
i hope da studio gets burnt down
kundan watchin tv , ammuma changes channel to top singer
kundan dies of cringe
a tv show thats a menace to society ban it
A lady who loves the person she is with right now
Dude, you said you fell in love with a hot chic, but my cousin said the same thing about the same chic. You got a Belle Singer!
This woman is a force of nature. She is an abuser and she litterally eats dirt off the floor and seasons it with worm sauce. Please be careful for her because she will pick out your skin and eat it. Today she threataned that she will eat me alive. I was very tramatized. This woman can not jump 80 cm. She attempted to jump though she ended up in a horse position. Avantika avantika avantika........
Yeah she is fierce like Avantika (the singer) Subudhi
Someone who sings and writes the lyrics to their songs but doesn't compose the music or instrumental background behind their songs.
Like a singer-songwriter but primarily a writer of lyrics, singer lyricist
Someone who once thought they were good at singing, then went to a concert and preformed then got boos after their performance.
Terrible Singer: I'm so good at singing I am preforming at America's Got Talent
Terrible Singer @ America's Got Talent: *Breathes*
Judges: *Presses X buzzers*
A person who sings, writes and produces their own music.
Shabnam is considered a singer-songwriter because she writes and sings her own songs.