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Aside from the Snapchat app, snaps has the common meaning referring to smoking marijuana out of a bong. Specifically lighting the entire bowl until you’ve cleared it.

Chance:“You down to take snaps afterschool?”
Garcia: “Obviously nerd”

by chiefin March 21, 2019


A drug addict that you use for errands, they will do whatever you want in exchange for their drug of choice. They'll do just about anything you want, and quick. Name comes from 'snappin' your fingers and getting what you want BC people want what your sellin.
Snaps are most commonly crack heads and junkies.

Pittsburgh started this term

I got my snaps at Walmart right now, they're stealing me some shit for a few bags.

I called and told my snap to get over here and clean up the garbage my dog got into last night.

by ms.rae March 15, 2015


Something thanos used to dust half of the universe

No don’t snap thanos

by Dustbuddy July 4, 2019


to reduce something by half.

Originating from the 2018 film Avengers: Infinity War, where a character halves the population of the universe by snapping his fingers.

Thanos just snapped the world's population.

by martaooooo March 14, 2019


A short nap. A snooze / nap

When I want my daughter to take a short nap I tell her time for a snap

by Findmap July 25, 2015


An act of making a sharp sound using fingers, which Thanos did to wipe out half of the population of the world.

I can snap my fingers and you all will be ceased to exist.

by Batcapman April 29, 2019


short for the term snapper, of or relating to pussy.

I'm gonna get me some snap tonight.

by Jason P May 11, 2003

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