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A form of mental retardation, commonly associated with people who have useless college degrees like media or gender studies. Commonly used by people who haven't figured out basic economics because their lord and savior Bernie Sanders doesn't allow it.

Sarah voted for socialism because her lord, MSNPC, told her to do so and not question it.

by partiallyhuman June 12, 2020

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


see wordcommunism/word

by TIMMAHHH March 28, 2003

61๐Ÿ‘ 121๐Ÿ‘Ž


the most extreme version of socialble

this word is usually used by people who cant think of new words

"You've changed, you are more socialable than before!"

by that guy February 6, 2005

31๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž


A political philosophy which asserts that the needs of society outweigh the rights of the individual.

The individual in such a society is at the mercy of the ruling elite since it is they who determine the needs of the society. Regardless of how the ruling elite come to power the end result is always the same - a Nanny State or a Police State. In the Nanny State the individual is treated like a child who is incapable of making decisions for himself. In a Police State the individual is treated like a criminal for thinking for himself. So whether the state is protecting you from yourself or protecting itself from you really doesn't matter. The end result is that there is no one protecting you from the state.

Some states which practiced socialism:
United Kingdom - Nanny State
Nazi Germany - Police State (Yes Nazis were socialists)
Soviet Union - Police State (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)
Huge Chavez, Venezuala - Police State (only Hugo knows what's good for you)

by Todd Douglas Parsons October 29, 2008

48๐Ÿ‘ 95๐Ÿ‘Ž


Direct collective onwership of all productive assets by everyone, resulting in moneyless free-access to whatever people need.

After capitalism has gone, old former capitalist political farts will be heard saying "I remember when people were employed and exploited for profits till they dropped, in order to eat and have a roof over their head. Now they only work about 10 hours a week without bosses, get everything they want without paying, and no tell can them what to do. Terrible! It's terrible! I'm John Major, and I used to be charge, you know"

by so-shee-list September 22, 2002

41๐Ÿ‘ 80๐Ÿ‘Ž


Obama's double-standard plan of action to take money from high class whites and give to the lower class, despite the hard work put into earning it. This tactic was also used by communist theoretician Vladimir Lenin (Leader of the Russian Revolution and founder of the Bolsheviks), and also loosely portrayed by German Economist Karl Marx. Generally a term that should be loathed, but is unfortunately visible in America's near future.

Obama's subtle allusions to socialism should raise a red flags in the mind of any smart, aware, worthy American

by right-wing conservative May 15, 2009

52๐Ÿ‘ 102๐Ÿ‘Ž


I don't care what any pinko says, this is definitely not the best way to run a government. All it does is insult human beings who actually work hard and it doesn't recognize our accomplishments or abilities.
The only reason why feminists, pinkos, and idealists like this idea is because it tries to make everyone equal by giving them all equal paychecks no matter how hard they work, and it forces the rich to pay for everything.

Here is why socialism will never work.
1. It forces the rich to pay for everything which is just stupid because,no matter how much money the rich have they will never have enough to pay for everything in the country. That is why almost all socialist countries have crappy health care and poorly built houses. Because the rich can pay for all of the medicine or all of the materials needed for the housing of everyone in a country. Plus when the rich go broke they can't pay for anything else.
2. It gives everyone equal pay, no matter how long or how hard a person works. This basically means that a doctor gets paid the same as a mcdonald's frycook. And a person who works for 9 hours will get paid the same as a person who works for 3 hours. Plus people aren't robots, they aren't going to work they're hardest for nothing. So basically if everyone got paid 15 dollars a day, no matter how hard they work, there's going to be alot of people who aren't going to work their hardest and as a result nothing is produced causing the entire nation to fall into poverty.

So now you see why socialism is bad. The only exception is China, and they're only rich because they force everyone to work and because we build all of our factories over there and buy all of our stuff from over there.

by Nathan575 August 12, 2008

55๐Ÿ‘ 113๐Ÿ‘Ž