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African Sprinkler

Africans donโ€™t have water

I have an African sprinkler

by Jewish are gay October 5, 2021

Cosby sprinkler

Nutting on someone while they are passed out.

The girlfriend was in the mood last night, so I gave her the Cosby Sprinkler.

by Bust Nuttington June 2, 2023

Air Sprinkler

Ceiling fan

Itโ€™s hot in here, turn on the air sprinkler.

by Mule1986 December 24, 2021

dick sprinkler

A penis that urinates in a sprinkle-like fashion.

There was piss on the bathroom floor because of Justin's dick sprinkler.

by HOMERO89 January 15, 2018

Alfredo sprinkler

Swinging your noodle whilst splattering Alfredo on your partner.

She enjoyed an Alfredo sprinkler with dinner.

by Pfchang July 16, 2018

Ballerina Sprinkler

A Ballerina Sprinkler, is when a man stands on someones lawn, with his pants down, hands together, stretched out and extended above his head, spinning around like a ballerina, while urinating on everything within reach.

Hey look! Our neighbors grass appears to be dying. perhaps we should go over there and give the lawn a ballerina sprinkler.

by Udderly Stoopid November 15, 2010

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Sammy Sprinkler

A chelsey hass.... one who is defined as a person who spits when they talk, or just tries way to hard to be cool, and has a swagger of a nerd.

A girl named Chelsey Hass. sammy sprinkler

by WaNnA--bE January 24, 2011

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