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Spud Sex

Having sex inside of a giant potato/model of a potato.

First said by Irish YouTuber jacksepticeye in his Minecraft video titled, "I Built an UNLIMITED XP Farm In Minecraft - Part 30".

"It's called Spud Sex. It's where you have sex, inside a spud."

by yourfriendlyirishpotato July 20, 2020

spud rubble

When buying Fast Food, the French Fries that fall out of their container and into the paper bag. Also known as: Bag Fries

Hey, are you gonna eat that spud rubble?

by Candace Thackerson May 5, 2005

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up to the spuds

Deep penetration sex. Being "Up to your spuds".

"I was up to the spuds with that girl last night."

by christopher burgess September 10, 2006

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Spud Me

Alternative greeting phrase for endearment. Usually said whilst holding out a closed fist, similar to saying "safe".

Person X: Safe blud, you good?
Person Y: Yes, spud me.

by zingermeal September 7, 2008

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love spuds

Term popularised by Craig Charles in Red Dwarf and voice overs for Challenge TV version of Takeshi's Castle. Slang for testicles, see nads, bollocks, happy sacks, balls.

"What a great shot, right in the happy sacks"

by Chico! August 7, 2004

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Spud Cunt

A term which is used in a number of situations, might be used as a compliment or derogatory term, could also be used off as a casual descriptor of personage.

a. Dude, stop being such a spud cunt!

b. He totally just jizzed all over her face! What an awesome spud cunt!

c. Give us a hand, spud cunt.

by Popcorn Play3r November 6, 2011

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Spud Farmer

A homosexual who takes multiple males in the anus, collecting spuds as he goes, and keeping them in a heshen bag.

"Give me them spuds boys"
"why thats disgusting and disrespectful to homosexuals"
"cause im your Spud Farmer you little cock boy"

by Silvwier February 9, 2010

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