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pink steamer

to queef during sex.

Dude, I had Katie in the reverse corkscrew last night and she totally gave me a pink steamer...made my balls vibrate. Felt real good.

by JiffyPopper February 12, 2008

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Vanilla Steamer

A drink from Starbucks, but also when its cold outside and you blow a load on her face and the jizz on her face steams because it is warmer than the air.

ex 1
Person 1: Dude, I love the weather so much!

Person 2: Why, its fuckin 20 degrees outside.

Person 1: Cause I gave your mom a Vanilla Steamer yesterday.

ex. 2
Dude that vanilla steamer from Starbucks was amazing.

by TheNoNamedNinja69 March 13, 2009

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Kimo Steamer

A development of the Cleveland Steamer. In order to push the boundaries more, the shit is deposited on the face of the the receiver.

The receiver may be awake or asleep, willing or unwilling.

Person A: Too much internet porn means I can only get off on illegal kimo steamer videos now

Person B: I hear you - it's Latvian midget albino crotch punishment for me, or I'm perma-flaccid

by Truth_Teller_Scot February 21, 2010

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Utah Steamer

The art of trolling outright lies, or twisted half-truths in an on-line forum political discussion by a conservative hypocrite usually an in the closet gay upon returning home after an evening spent making santorums.

1.) Mark squirmed with delight sliding across a santorum on his leather chair as he posted dozens of Utah Steamers in reply to the liberal posts on the forum.

2.) George upon returning home from his Utah Log Cabin Republican meeting furiously banged on the keyboard typing Utah Steamers to the liberal posts on the forum.

by Richard_Gozinya October 7, 2012

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Whiskey Steamer

After a long night of drinking, the shit that follows the next morning, leaves burns marks on your sphincter.

Danny came home drunk and dropped a huge whiskey steamer in the cat box. Watch out for the shit streaks on the carpet.

by Simon Saiz June 10, 2007

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Cosby Steamer

Warmer than a "Cosby Sweater" and more fashionable than the "Cleveland Steamer", the "Cosby Steamer" is for both experienced freaks and novice sadomasochists alike; but not the faint of heart. A Cosby Steamer requires one to defecate on a partner's chest after consuming a chromatically diverse meal, thereby enveloping them in a multicolored shit-sweater. It's da puddig!

Though we'd eaten it all, Sarah's sweet corn chili was too good not to share, so when her roommate came home we warmed her up with a hearty Cosby Steamer.

by Cbiddy&leGrandMichel March 27, 2011

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Charleston Steamer

After having sex and your partner goes to sleep, you take a poop on their torso. Then, you leave. Setting flame to the poop is optional.

I waited for Kate to pass out, then I left her with a fresh Charleston Steamer.

by STL2008 January 1, 2008

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