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Stuart Country Day School

A school full of catty, pretty, and nice ... but boy-crazy, girls that worship God.

The girl from Stuart Country Day School was outgoing and smiley.

by iamamazingandcool12345 February 11, 2012

18πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

stuart berryman [sexy] [hoe]

Stuart Berryman is a person who is extremely fat and has no friends (except for the internetzzzzz). He thinks he is akoki butcher. He is not. When he does athletics he says "im doing athletics". This is also the same for maths. Except he cannot do maths, therefore he is a liar and this is why no one likes him.

Guy1: WOW what a stuart berryman
Guy2: yeh
stuart berryman: i love berries and i cant spell
stuart berryman sexy hoe

by the falcs November 25, 2008

3πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Gilbert stuart middle school

Gilbert Stuart is a dirty ass old school,the principal with her ugly ass dresses and nasty ass rain boots,tall white ugly nigga with his loud ass always yelling at somebody to do sum, always making the same lunch which is that nasty ass pizza that’s not even cook correctly and the teachers are annoying asf πŸ˜‚.

Matthew~ You go to Gilbert Stuart middle school ?
Me~ yea bro

Matthew~ Damn nigga do better.

by Ewbbaja October 3, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Stuart Pot (2D from Gorillaz)

Blue haired stick boi. No eyeballs because of Pickle man (Murdoc Niccals), and jesus christ does this man have brain damage. For example, when he was like 10, he fell out of a tree and all of his hair fell out, and when it grew back, it was blue. Bam double whammy blue hair and brain damage. Then, he got hit in his left eye with a car because of Murdoc, therefor giving him one eightball fracture and putting him into a coma sort of state. Bam double whammy x2, one demon eye and more brain damage. After that Murdoc was sentenced to like 30,000 hours of community service (like almost 3 years), and caring for the poor blue haired stick boi for 10 hours a week. As you can probably tell that ended him up doing donuts in a parking lot and ultimately crashing into something and Stu literally flew out the front window and lost his other eye. Ow. Bam double whammy x3 combo, more brain damage and a new set of demon eyes.

"Stuart Pot (2D from Gorillaz) is my favorite band member!"

by plum.flavored.milk January 20, 2020

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Pulling a stuart

When you have a really shit game at cod

Fuck I only got 1 kill I am pulling a Stuart

by Nuts35 July 8, 2020

Stuart Jarman

Is a knobend.

Hey, have you seen Stuart Jarman?

Yea, he's such a knobend!

by Stuartisaknob December 20, 2018

Stuart Bright

A closet gay

"Stuart Bright was with Robert again today"

by StirlingBrightIsGay2 February 9, 2020