Source Code

Tha Rowe

A gangsta who coins who his own terms on tha fly.

Sue: "Gription?! What the hell is gription?!"

Bob: "Aw, I dunno... think it's some new ish Tha Rowe came up with! Means, like, 'cohesive properties' I think."

Sue: Oooohhhh! <laughs>

by InformerSW March 26, 2004

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Tha Dickemz

The act of, or referring to, unsuspectedly shoving, tossing, kicking, bitch slapping, punching, throwing, nudging, bulldozing, plumeting, propelling, or simply assaulting a lame thot off a roof.

If you don’t know how to suck a proper dick, beware, he might give you Tha Dickemz.

I broke my arm because some asshole pulled Tha Dickemz move on me last night when I was drunk and I woke up in some strangers backyard.

by Handjob Javi August 19, 2019

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thas law

That’s law- that is law- used to reenforce something previously stated or mentioned directly or inadvertently.

Tom: I had to change my sheets often she left.

Jerry: Thas law

by Rated_jackfrost March 27, 2019

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Tha Fuck

When you're questioning the legitimacy of a female's faulty story, and she responds with "tha fuck", as a way to appear insulted by your skepticism, and to shame you into backing off and changing the subject.It's basically a fake outrage response to cover up her bullshit lies.

Boyfriend: "So you went out last night with a guy without mentioning it to me, and on top of that your mother told me you got home after 3am."
Girlfriend: "He's just a friend, tha fuck.You're so insecure."

by BroNYC April 8, 2017

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Tha Stigmata

when you get a girl to allow 7 men to have relations with her at once. she participates in fellaio, anal and vaginal intercourse, two hand jobs, a foot fuck, and tit fuck simultaneously. THE ULTIMATE POSSIBLE GANG BANG IMAGINABLE.

1)"...dude, i heard that girl was in Tha Stigmata...,"..."...wow, she must be awesome..."
2)"man, i was rockin' the foot pussy on that stigmata last night..."..."man, maybe next time you'll get the tits, or a handjob..."

by b.ximenez January 19, 2008

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Tha stranger

Sitting on one's hand until it "falls asleep", or loses blood circulation, and masturbating to enjoy the psuedo sensation of anothers hand.

Me and The Stranger had lunch today.

by Jay Dawg May 20, 2003

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Of Tha Game

Another way 2 say And Ya Betta Kno It.
Often used in North Crunkvillecan also be can be used to say That's Wasup.

I'm bout 2 go 2 tha mall 2 find some honeys!
Of tha game my nigga!

by CrUnkville's FyNest August 23, 2005

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