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Fluffy and Fish

two nicknames for men who love eachother.

hey theres Fluffy and Fish holding hands again. oh god, gross...

by Charlotte rox your sox March 9, 2008

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Pop a Fluffy

A polite way of stating that you let a fart, toot, broke wind or passed gas.

Excuse me, I popped a fluffy!

That reeks! My bad, I needed to pop a fluffy.

by Buya_ July 6, 2013

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Fluffy Bunny

1. Used as a derogatory term for someone who is ignorant, wilfully ignorant and/or disrespectful towards Wicca yet claims to be Wicca.

2. Used as a derogatory term for someone who takes a 'Love & light' approach to Wicca – i.e. lives in a make-believe world of fairies and unicorns, or someone who has an unrealistic view of the good within the world.

3. Often a teen who becomes 'Wicca' in order to follow a fad, also known as 'McWiccans' or Charmed fans. Often identified by their oversized pentagrams, 'gothic' clothing and the belief that spells given to them by other Fluffy Bunnies online have some sort of power.

4. Silver Ravenwolf.

(Wicca: Initiate only priesthood working within a Pagan mystery tradition, where one can trace their lineage back to Gardner)

Fluffy Bunny #1 : Someone who has been misinformed about Wicca so believe there is no problem calling themselves Wicca – Fundamentalists will call these fluffy bunnies, more liberal views would call these misinformed (often actually Neo-wicca, Pagan or Seekers).

Fluffy Bunny #2 : Someone who has been misinformed, but is comfortable with the information they have been given, refusing to study further – All will call these fluffy bunnies.

Fluffy Bunny #3 : Someone who has been misinformed, but refuses to acknowledge any further information to the point of taking hissy fits and throwing abuse at anyone pointing out what Wicca is – All will call these idiot fluffy bunnies.

by JFaith February 14, 2006

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Fluffy Penguin

Any brown frappuccino drink served at starbucks. Usually associated with Double chocolate chip frappuccinos.

That Fluffy Penguin I just drank was cold, chocolaty, and delicious!

by Aimsey July 13, 2008

Fluffy Shit

Something labelled "art" by the owner which is actually just pretentious crap with no emotional connotations or imagination involved. Examples include Facebook "Photography" and Instagram "Poetry". Extremely prominent in today's society where every piece of mindless "fluffy shit" can be shared online. The word first appeared in the 2012 movie "I Am Not A Hipster".

"Did you see the photographs on my $4,000 Nikon?"
"Yes I quite liked them."
"It's not easy being an artist."

"It's fluffy shit Andrei."

by oxforddictionary May 11, 2015

Fluffy Puff

a air-puffed marshmellow Homestarrunner enjoys to eat with melonade.

Before I drink a tall glass of melonade, I like to eat about 147 Fluffy Puff Marshmellows..

by mz.winky November 14, 2003

fluffy fingers

Okay, so dig this. You're on the street, and one of your gang disses you. Yeah, right. What do you do to get 'em to make it right? In the gang world we use something called fluffy fingers. That's when someone really gets in your face, and then you just start tickling 'em. And he starts ticklin' you. And pretty soon you're laughing and hugging. Before you know it, you've forgotten the thing. Ya'll just go to church together and eat ice cream cones. Oh. It’s effective.

"I thought I was gonna get straight up kilt, but then King Eddie just went all fluffy fingers on a nigga. Pretty soon we jus' suppin' on some lemonade together."

by Tha flicka September 23, 2008

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