Source Code

Phu Nam

a loser-ish douche
retarded nerd
total weirdo
fag-ish dork
you get the point(:

"Eww! It's Phu Nam!"

by MichelloKitty January 31, 2010

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'Nam style

The act of going hard or extreme on any aspect of life. Such as training extra hard for a sport, trying your best at something physical, improvising or taking large risks, giving something all you got, and going over the top. The term is influence by the Vietnam War when soldiers had to fight against terrible odds and endure an extreme fighting condition.

"Hey man, you totally went 'Nam style on that 800m run, you beat your time by 18 seconds!"

"When I went hiking in West Virginia and got lost I had to go 'Nam style. I didn't eat for three days and had to hike 4 miles with a broken leg.."

by Regulator18 April 27, 2012

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A-JU-NAM-pronounced:(AY-JEW-NAM-(as in hey-jewish-& vietnam)

Anti. JUice. NAMi. device

THe lid on a cup that prevents the ice in the back of the cup from avalanching, which in turn, triggers a mini tsunami of the liguid in your cup. Also see Juice-Nami

dude#1:I almost got juice-nami'd today at A&W, but luckily i had my A-JU-NAM handy...

Dude#2:(dripping with soda) I gotta get me one of those...

by Felix Vennegaldi March 6, 2008

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Nam Flashback

When you hear someone moaning and you begin to have Nam Flashbacks of loose pussy and squirtin lime on your dong

Tom had a Nam Flashback when he heard Bob and Ashley doing it next door.

by 666 6969 October 6, 2019

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nam tam bao

"You know what I'm talking about"
Used by Italian equivalent of Young Thug "Bello Figo".

Bro, I went to Italy last year, to see a live show of Bello Figo. Sooo fresh, nam tam bao?

by lilitalian November 15, 2020

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Nam Dong-Gyun

A really cute term for fountain

God that fountains out of control, what model is it?

Must be a Nam Dong-Gyun โ›ฒ๏ธโ›ฒ๏ธ

by Butter dawg January 2, 2021

dag nam it

a nice way to say fuck off

founded by the minoogwar hersefl, we salute you

oh dag nam it, you motherfucker

by the sausage mongler February 3, 2005

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