A 1-5 is a code name for a male that's affiliated with the street gang, the "15 Block Gangsters". A 4-5 is a code name for a female that's affiliated with the "15 Block Gangsters". The 4-5 comes from their call to greet each other saying, "1-5 1-5, 4-5 4-5".
Yeah that's my lil 1-5
That swaty over there, she my 4-5
im so bored i wrote 1!¡2"@3#£4¤$5%€6&7/{89)0=}+?\´`±qwertyuiop¨`~asdfghjkl'*<>|zxcvbnm,.:-_ in urban dictionary
When you get so bored that you type all possible letters on your keyboard, but you didnt think about using the option / alt button, did you?
I am so `~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+qQwWeErRtTyYuUiIoOpP{}\|aAsSdDfFgGhHjJkKlL;:'"zZxXcCvVbBnNmM,<.>/? that I could type in qweiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm and maybe even mnbvcxzlkjhfdsapoiuytrewq
When you are so damn bored you type every single typeble letter in a portuguese chromebook keyboard
(please end my suffering i'm so fucking bored i dont have anything better to do)
Friend 1: Yo bro what you doin?
Friend 2: "'!1¹@2²#3³$4£%5¢¬&7*8(9)0_-=§˛q/w?e°rtyuiopª{asdfghjklç}º|\zxcvbnm<,>.:;─·ŧħ®ŋ°đ“þø→↓←ŧ«æß»ð©đ“ŋ”ħnĸł´̣̣
Friend 1: Did you just have a fucking stroke
Person 1: I hate you!
Person 2: `~1⅑⅐ ⅒ ¹!¡ 2 @² 3 #³ 4 $⁴5 %⁵ 6^⁶7 &⁷8*⁸9(⁹0ⁿ)⁰∅-—_–·=≈≠+∞
Person 1: *cries*
ugh shut up you goofy lil`~1⅑⅐ ⅒ ¹!¡ 2 @² 3 #³ 4 $⁴5 %⁵ 6^⁶7 &⁷8*⁸9(⁹0ⁿ)⁰∅-—_–·=≈≠+∞...
when youre so bored you decided to write every key from left to right (including numpad) and also the shift versions of those keys.
man, im so bored, im gonna type `~1!2@3#4$5%6^7&8*9(0)-_=+/*-qQwWeErRtTyYuUiIoOpP{}\|789+aAsSdDfFgGhHjJkKlL;:'"456zZxXcCvVbBnNmM,<.>/?123 0. into urban dictionary and see whats there!
1👍 1👎
What Gaben counts to. He forgot a number.
The cycle of Gaben
Guy 1: 1 2 4 5
Guy 2: Wait, you forgot 3!