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A type of eyeliner popularized by the app TikTok, which refers to a simple, smudged eyeliner look used to hint at being bisexual to other bisexuals.

I did some bi-liner today, so hopefully that barista will notice me now.

by arose13 December 3, 2020


Bi-Cycle is the ebb and flow of attraction to different sexes that a bisexual person may experience.

A bisexual male who is primarily attracted to females may find themselves more interested in males for a time being and vice versa.

"Three months ago I was really crushing on Sarah, but I this week my Bi-Cycle is steering me towards Max :/"

by Arbiter_of_ALL February 1, 2018

95πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Somebody who sees the upsides and downsides to both the Republican and Democratic parties. Not necessarily a person who falls in the middle of the spectrum, rather one who has views that align and conflict with both major US political parties.

Did you see that guy go into the bar where they have both fiscally responsible initiatives but are still socially liberal? I really think he’s bi-political. Do you get that vibe from him, too?

by CoolGuyRandall March 20, 2011


A personal decoration involving the bisection of an eyebrow. It is created by shaving a vertical line through the eyebrow. Somewhat popular as a marker of bisexuality.

"Hey, did you see Georgia yesterday? She's really rocking that Bi-brow."

by Fogwash December 9, 2020


A fitting term for bisexual people who still struggle to find a partner.

Girl 1: "Found the special one yet?"
Girl 2: "No, I'm just not finding the right one"
Girl 1: "Girl you ain't bisexual you are bi-yourself"

by EgyptianShitstorm February 20, 2021

bi panic

steve harrington and robin buckley

steve harrington and robin buckley give me bi panic

by paternity May 30, 2022

32πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Bi-furious describes a person who becomes enraged when they are constantly asked whether they're gay or straight.

Another girl at the office asked David if he was gay and he went completely bi-furious on her ass.

by Ash Flanders June 26, 2005

184πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž